Friday, October 11, 2019

Bible ABCs - Teaches

"Turn left, in 200 meters," directed the wafting Waze voice.  In a blink, we veered off the highway in another direction, speeding along with the greatest of ease; "onward ho" to our destination.  There were no worries because of reliable 'Waze" at the helm.

Waze really makes going along unfamiliar routes a breeze, when followed.  God's Word is very much like that.  God's Word teaches those who are led by it.  David, the Psalmist, knew that.  He specifically asks for God's ways.  He besought the LORD as seen in Psalm 25:4 & 5 (NIV),

"Show me Your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long."

Road-users ask Waze to show the way from Point A to Point B.  Followers of Jesus can choose to inquire of God; His way for living a holy and pleasing life, as did David.  Just ask Him.  The Word of God and the Holy Spirit direct.  It's up to the individual to follow suit.

There are times that even with Waze, a driver can get turned about to a wrong direction, perhaps, due to inattentiveness or some distraction.  Whatever the reason, the wonder of Waze is, it will effortlessly guide you back to the right road.

When a believer sincerely seeks God, asks, as David did, "show me...teach Your ways...paths...truth"  He will help them find the U-Turn back to Him.

Of course, it could be a long road ahead, especially if a person had gotten quite a ways off course.  However, by God's grace and the individual's perseverance, as he/she listens for His guiding voice, the person can travel along in their spiritual journey of life to where the Lord desires the living soul to be.

God's Word instructs us on how to overcome and navigate through the pitfalls and dangers of life.  He can instill the confidence we need to go pleasantly and peacefully in the direction He points out for us to faithfully and purposefully pursue.

To reiterate, God's Word teaches all those who appropriate and are led by it.  Waze can miss a beat, the internet signal disconnect or our phone's battery conk out and leave us stranded in the middle of, we don't know where, but our Savior will lead, guide and direct and is available  all day and night long.  We can avail ourselves of God's Word's teaching.  

Pray and ask Him to show you His ways for your life.  Put your hope in Him; follow Him.

Praise His glorious Name.

                                                   ~ERC  October 2019~

Show Me Your Ways, Hillsong

Your Word, Hillsong

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