Saturday, July 20, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - How Big is Your Kitchen?

My kitchen is rather small .  Counter space for food preparation comes at a huge premium.   Was just recounting, and, ahem, complaining, to my good friend this morning that one end of my cutting board (chopping board) hangs over the edge of the counter space.  How big is a cutting board?  You will realize how much horizontal kitchen surface there is with the answer.

Then my friend had  to make a phone call.  As she talked with the person, my eye fell upon an open Above Rubies magazine (Issue 95), at the editoress, Nancy Campbell's, page which I perused.  Among other things, Campbell wrote about going to La Paz, Bolivia for Child Fund, scouting out children who need help.  While there she discovered that some of the women have even less of a kitchen, in fact, no kitchen, and so, I presume, food preparation is orchestrated upon the living space floor.

That kinda puts things into perspective.  I believe the Lord was telling me to... 

" content with such things as ye have" (Hebrews 13:5 KJV).  

A stark, blunt admonition.

However, the Lord then gave me the next thoughts, 

"Your name is written in Heaven and I'm preparing a mansion there for you" (Revelation 20:15; Luke 10:20; John 14:2 KJV).  

Those things will be mine, and yours, too if you are a follower of Jesus Christ.

How so?  

When we have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, we receive not only forgiveness of sins and eternal life, but we get so, so much more!  Our name written in Heaven.  God won't forget us.  Mansion in Heaven!?  Be glad and rejoice!

Perhaps that sounds materialistic.  Yet our Heavenly Father delights to give His children many good things.  This is one we have to look forward too.  Yes, the best is yet to come especially just to be in His presence for evermore. 

Ponder on that and may your hearts be glad as you partake of the bread and cup of wine on Lord's Day.  He has done this for us through His death and resurrection.  Blessed be His Name.

                                                               ~ERC  July 2019~

Matt Redman sings, Blessed Be Your Name

There is a Mansion in Heaven lyrics and instrumental

This is the one that says it more to me:  Gaither Group singing Mansion over the Hilltop

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