Thursday, July 11, 2019

Bible ABCs - Heals

Picture a scorching hot summer day, or for those of you in the tropics, an every day, ordinary day of searing, unmerciful sun, beating down upon you.  Now picture yourself splashing about in a swimming hole with a waterfall cascading down from above, feeding that "pool" with cool refreshing water that continuously flows through to a meandering stream the other side of the pool outlet.  Do you feel cooler, pleasanter relief?

There can be relief and even healing from the winter storms of life, "washing" the stresses away.  I started writing this blog entry before a tragedy occurred. It has become, not such an agreeable picture to me.  There can also be danger in such a pool, an undertow or whirlpool where the waters spill down.  Case in point is a friend's son who just this past week drowned in just such a whirlpool trying to rescue his young son.  The son was saved but very sadly and tragic to say, the father did not.

Some may say, the man died a "hero" of sorts.  Whether or not the wife and children will feel that I do not know.  That may be a long time coming.  Right now the family is likely too stunned and numb to think much of anything.

Yet there can be some solace in God and His Word when a heart turns to the One Who gave His life for us.  God can and does this kind of work.  His Word tells us in Psalm 107:10-20 (ESV), that in the midst of Israel's troubles, they cried out to the LORD.  What was God's response?

"He sent out His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction."

Constantly, constantly read God's Word.  Read even when you don't understand it all.  Bathe yourself in it.  It will bring delights and understanding and comfort that will surprise you and even "heal" you.  For instance, the book of Psalms has brought much consolation to many. 

Ephesians 5:26 (KJV) talks about such relief in regards to God's Word,

"That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word."

Each of us experiences difficulties in life, some more intense than others, that can and do leave serious wounds on our hearts, minds, and spirits and souls, in general.  Let God's Word flow over you, and reach into those inner recesses of your being.  Cling on to His Word and promises and find that desperate healing you need and crave.

One of my favorite stories is the incident when Jesus was visiting His good friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus.  Mary had chosen the "better portion".  She was sitting at Jesus's feet "listening to His teaching" (Luke 10:38-42, especially verse 39 ESV).  Jesus would not allow Martha to take this away from her sister.

We do not know if Mary was ailing or traumatized from anything but we can surmise there could have been something that needed healing.  Or, she just simply treasured what Jesus had to say, so much so, to the exclusion of everything else.  She knew from where, or rather, Whom, her Source of strength, comfort and healing came.

No matter the circumstances of your life, I pray that you will all find comfort and healing in the reading, knowing, taking to heart and obeying God's Word.  Allow His Word to heal you.

                                                              ~ERC  July 2019~

Here's a link to "Songs of Hope and Healing" presented by Don Moen Radio

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