Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 21

In his book, What Buddhists Believe (4th Edition), Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda states that ...

"If we believe that animals were created by someone for the benefit of men, it would follow that men were also created for animals since some animals do eat human flesh as part of their nature" (Page 223).

Sri Dhammananda also states,

"Buddhism cannot accept that animals were created by someone to benefit human beings... (Page 223).

These are fair statements yet somewhat misdirected.  Perhaps even some Christians believe animals were created for humankind's benefit.   God's Word enlightens us that all creation came into being for God's pleasure.  God...

"...rejoices in His works" [speaking of creation] (Psalm 104:31).

In Colossians 1:16 we read that...

"...all things were created by and for Him."

Later in Revelation 4:11 we're told that the living creatures are worshiping God as He had...

 "created all things"  

and by His 

"will they were created".

In Genesis chapter 1 we discover God saw His works of creation and said... 

 "it was good" (verses 9, 12, 18, 21, 25).  

After all was created He saw what He had made and He declared, 

"it was very good" (verse 31).

Why does God delight so in His creation?  A brother and author named John Piper * suggests at least five reasons.

One of those reasons, Piper explains, is that God's works are an expression of His glory (Psalm 104:31) and from Psalm 19:1 we learn, 

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hand..."  

It is not that God is worshiping His own creation but He sees that His glory shines through and is proclaimed to all who will look and see and know.  We do well to run to God through seeing His glory.  He wants us, His human creatures to turn to Him.  We ourselves enjoy making things and delight in the finished products even when they are inanimate objects.

Two...In Psalm 148:3-5, 7, 

"God rejoices in His work of creation because they praise Him." 
Have you ever gone whale watching?  The whales cavort for the fun of it and may even breach in a most spectacular offering of "praise to God".  Dolphins do so similarly.  Bees buzz about diligently doing what they do to make honey (food) for themselves.  In deep jungle, or the depths of the seas, as yet undiscovered, by human beings, creatures are just simply doing what they were created to do and God "rejoices".  We human beings get to see and enjoy God's creatures too.  Are you glad; are you awed?  Rejoice in God their Maker.  Indeed, rejoice in God your Maker.


"The works of creation reveal God's incomparable wisdom" (Psalm 104:24).  

God delights in the expression of His wisdom.


"the works of creation reveal God's incomparable power" (Isaiah 40:26).

  God calls the hosts of heaven (even the stars), "by name".  Can you comprehend that?!


"God rejoices in the works of creation because they point beyond themselves to God Himself" (Psalm 104:31-34).

The point of sharing all this is to emphasize that all of creation was brought into being not for each other, as Sri Dhammananda believes some believe, although granted, they are in a balance of nature, but for God's good pleasure.  We can share in it too but remember to praise and worship the Creator not the created.

God saw all of creation as being "very good".  Yet here comes the crunch...then there was "The Fall" of Adam and Eve.  The first man and woman ever on earth sinned and brought the curse of suffering and death upon all of creation.


"All of creation groans" (Romans 8:22-24).

It is out of sync, if you want to use that terminology.  It's now a "dog-eat-dog" world; often quite literally.  Animals eat other animals and sometimes human beings.  Human beings eat animals and have in the past eaten other human beings!

Originally, human beings and animals only ate plants.  Post Fall, God made clothes, "garments of skin" (Genesis 3:21) for Adam and Eve.  Where did God get the "skin"?  At least one animal had to die.  How devastating a sight that must have been for Adam and Eve, not to mention for God Himself!  The consequences of sin were, and still are, horrendous!

However, up until post-Flood time the people still ate only a vegetarian diet (Genesis 9:3, 4).  God gave permission to eat 

"anything that moves...just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything..."  

The only restriction being 

"not to eat meat with the blood still in it" (Genesis 9:4). 

 God provided an abundant variety.

Man was not to shed the blood of man.  There would be an accounting thereof (Genesis 9:6) if that occurred.

During the Israelite's time of wandering in desert wastelands and later in the Promised Land, God imposed stipulations on the types of birds, fish and land animals that could be eaten; clean as opposed to unclean (Leviticus 11:1-47).  This was for their own good and health when they obeyed.

When we come to the New Testament we come to the story of Peter on the rooftop, praying.  He saw in a vision a sheet let down from heaven with all manner of creeping creatures: clean and unclean and the voice from heaven saying, 

"Rise, Peter, kill and eat."  

Peter was in shock!  How could God ask that of Him?!  Yet God said, 

"Do not call anything impure that God has made clean" (Acts 10:15; 10:9-23).  

Of course this was an object lesson to Peter, you will see if you read on in that portion of Scripture but the implications for everyday life and eating were there too.

God puts other types of conditions of eating of clean/unclean meat or even back to our earlier discussion, that of eating only green plants (vegetables) or of eating both veggies and meat.

Jesus said in Matthew 15:11 that its not so much about "what goes into a man's mouth" as to "what comes out" that can defile or make a man "unclean".

In the letter to the Romans, the author says in 14:3, 

"The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does,  for God has accepted him."

Romans 14:15 exhorts, 

"Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died".  

Romans 14:19-20 gives further perspective, 

"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.  Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food.  All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble."

No power plays here; the one who eats or doesn't eat meat is not superior to the other.  If a person does eat meat they have God's permission with the continued condition from the Old Testament...

 "...to abstain from meat of strangled animals and from blood" (Acts 15:20).

First Corinthians 10:31 addresses the issue by adding...

 "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

That is the best motive;  "for the glory of God".  When we come from that perspective we will also not offend nor stumble another.

The apostle Paul sums it up when he writes to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:1-3 but especially verses 3-5...

" They (deceiving spirits) forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth.  For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer."

I once read a book by a brother-in-Christ who was once a Hindu guru til he came to Christ.  As you may know, Hindus do not eat beef.  When this ex-guru came to Christ he realized, "Oh, now I can eat beef".  However, he chose not to as it would have alienated him from his non-Christian family whom he wished to bring to Christ as well.

If he had eaten beef, even if they wouldn't know it, he would definitely have 'lost' his family and likely a whole section of people among whom he wished to minister and witness.  This meekness gave him integrity and respect.  No doubt he was blessed of God in so doing.

Dr. Sri Dhammananda confronts cruelty to animals.  We can understand that killing animals or mutilating them for sport is cruel and wrong.  Slaughtering animals as quickly and, ahem, "humanely" as possible, for food, is permissible by God.  However, when one believes that upon "rebirth" the "mental continuum" can be 'given' to an animal, one can understand this reasoning to give... 

"...all encompassing equal care and compassion for each and every creature in the universe" (Page 225).

His concern is also for the environment, extinction of creatures, and the imbalance that comes to nature.  These are legitimate concerns.  We Christians need to have concern as the injunction to mankind, to Adam, was to "work and take care of" the garden of Eden (Genesis 2;15).  They were also to "rule over the fish...birds...livestock,...all the earth..."  A huge responsibility.  How it must distress and disappoint God to see the present state of His creation.  But bless God, He has sent His Rescuer, Jesus Christ to redeem us and in time to come He will create a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1, 2) which we will not be able to destruct.

This does not mean we relinquish our responsibility because a 'new' one is coming.  Absolutely not!  As far as I know, the Scripture doesn't get us off the hook and God's mandate to man, as seen in the Genesis reference, is still relevant today.

Ok.  So what about killing mosquitoes, rats or cockroaches?  Would you allow a bear or a crocodile attack you without defending yourself if you could?  How about letting a boa constrictor or black mamba wrap around you and give you a not so friendly squeeze?

In the Bible we read of the shepherd lad, David, defending his sheep by killing a lion and a bear (1 Samuel 17:4).  With God on his side he believed he could defeat the enemy Goliath, the giant; he did.  David killed many people in the wars.  But God would not allow him to build the temple for Him as He said David was a "bloody" man (1 Chronicles 28:3).  Defending his sheep and defending his people by killing animals and men, although necessary, was not a holy thing for David.

In self defense Samson killed a lion (Judges 14:5-6).

It is a fallen world where peace among the animal kingdom and interaction of mankind and animal kind is often at variance.  God gave man rule over the other creatures.  On one hand he must care for and look out for them; for example, no cruelty to animals for sport, and to slaughter humanely only for food.  However to defend oneself and/or one's family and possessions seems to be indicated as not a violation of God's mandate per se of...

 "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:30).  

God knows the strength of nature and the need to protect oneself therefrom.  Of course we do not go out and start killing our neighbor just because we do not like what he/she does or has done to us.  

"Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:30-31).

And God also says in Romans 12:19-20 ESV, especially verse 19...

"Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."   

We can surely benefit from the flora and fauna on our planet and they can surely benefit from human beings when said human beings make the effort of fulfilling God's mandate, taking up the responsibility to care for their planet and all that is therein even in many small ways.  Many small acts add up and soon have good  big effect.

We look forward to the time to come when God will put it all to rights and the lion and wolf can lie down safely together.  The child can play at the adders den (Isaiah 11:6-9).   Nothing will kill or be killed any longer; back to Garden of Eden-type living, only better.  God will be rejoicing evermore.

In the meantime, let us praise God our Maker; glorify Him in our words and actions living according to His will and way as recorded in the Holy Scriptures", the bible" which are able to make us wise unto salvation" (2 Timothy 3:15).  Let us worship our heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ; doing what we were created in God's image to do; commune with God; "glorify God and love Him for ever: (Westminster Confession of Faith); "Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man" (Ecclesiastes 12:13); and be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16).  Let God rejoice in the works of His hands; made to give Him pleasure.

                                                           ~ERC   2018~

*I do not always agree with what John Piper has to say but the above references to his thoughts are those I can accept.

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