Monday, May 7, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 19

No one likes to suffer; that's for certain sure!  Why do we have to suffer anyway?  Can't we just totally stop it?

People speak of eradicating suffering and make a good try at it with good lifestyle:  exercise, diet, and doing good instead of evil.  That goes a long way to eliminating much trouble.  The medical profession has been of great help to the world too.  Yet suffering goes on and on.  If we could be thoroughly free of it,  we would, but we can't so we won't frustrate or exhaust ourselves trying.  Instead, embrace the suffering you cannot eradicate.

For the follower of Jesus Christ, embracing suffering tests one's faith as to whether or not it is genuine.  Results are praises, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed (1 Peter 1:7).

Author apostle Paul says to 

"rejoice you participate in the sufferings of Christ (1 Peter 4:13).  

This type of suffering refers to the persecution and harassments endured because of one's faith in Christ.

How ever suffering comes, embrace and endure.  Of course one does not purposely put oneself into more suffering than necessary.  Trials and tribulation come from many sources:  persecutions; health issues; money problems, etc. 

Yes, go to the doctor, relocate, don't be lazy and go get a job but when you've done all your can, embrace the residual suffering. 

Romans 8:29 says all these things help a person to become more "Christ-like".  To be able to have such a lifestyle of living in an ever increasing good and holy manner is very commendable. 

This relates to Burning Quest - Part 18, putting good morals into practice on a daily basis.  Suffering helps to refine an individual as fire refines gold and silver (1 Peter 1:7; Isaiah 48:10).

The multitudes who come to Christ must embrace suffering, however there is a day coming when those who, by faith in Jesus Christ, having accepted His salvation, will no longer suffer.  To be with Christ after death will bring this release.

It was at great personal cost that Jesus offers human kind such a gift.  He offers it freely and for free to all mankind.  Take hold of it.

The Buddhist wishes to eradicate samsara (suffering).  The samsara ends when one attains that ultimate state of liberation called "Nirvana".  Some of this can be attained by certain observances of precepts.

Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda author of What Buddhists Believe writes on pages 208-213, that there are daily precept observances for the Buddhist.  The Five Precepts are to abstain from...

"Killing living creatures; taking what is not given; sexual misconduct; false speech and taking intoxicating drugs and liquor."

Observing these will help lessen punishments and give the advantage of disciplining the...

"...body, speech and mind" (Page 210). 

Coupling these Five Precepts with the Five Ennoblers:

"...loving kindness, renunciation, contentment, truthfulness and mindfulness" (Page 211) to develop the mind and produce better actions.  Morality put into practice.

On special days of observance, three additional precepts are tacked on to the daily five, known as The Eight Precepts.  The three extra precepts are to refrain from:

"...eating after noonday; dancing, singing, music, unseemly shows, the use of garlands, perfumes, and things that tend to beautify and adorn the person; and using high and luxurious seats" (Page 212).

In lieu of these, a person will be at the temple meditating on the Four Noble Truths, Eight-Fold path to Enlightenment,

"...reading religious books, listening to Buddha's Teachings...and/or helping in religious activities at the temple" (Page 212).

Keep in mind that these observances are ever aimed at developing the mind for good and right, governing the actions for good and right.  In turn, these are striving for the eradication of suffering and attainment of Nirvana.

These also serve as reminders to devout Buddhists, helping to steer them in the right way towards their goal...

" calm down their senses...and to train the mind so as not to be enslaved to sensual pleasures...", reach that state of complete, control of the mind and senses, eradicating suffering, arriving at nirvana.

This brings great merit, not only to oneself, but also to...

"...the lives hereafter especially in developing the wisdom to see things as they really are." (Page 213).

Certainly there is no harm done by such observances.  The follower of Jesus Christ is called to many of these things.  The follower is called to "live by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16) and to "keep in step with the Spirit" (Galatians 5:25) meaning the Holy Spirit of God.  Galatians 5:16-25 ESV reads...

"...but I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.  For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other to keep you from doing the things you want to do.  But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.  Now the works of the flesh are evident:  sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and the things like these...but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, self-control; against such things there is no law.  And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit."

In Old Testament times, the Israelites were given a similar list as the Five and Eight Precepts in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17).  They were also governed by many other rules and regulations for healthy, God-fearing living.  Time and again they broke them to their own detriment.  God allowed them to blunder on and proved the general human inability to fully observe such requirements.

That's why, when coming to the New Testament there is a distinct difference with justification through Jesus Christ, God gives His children His Holy Spirit.  Of course, the individual is the one to allow the Holy Spirit free reign in his or her heart and mind; or not.

God had told one of the Old Testament prophets that He would write the precepts (10 Commandments) "in flesh", in the heart of man (Ezekiel 36:26-27).  This is God's grace and mercy in action on our behalf.  I thank God for His intervention.

We need Him every hour of every day, helping, leading, guiding us, His children, into all truth and obedience to His will and ways and that includes the restraint of fleshly, earthly desires.   

It is His Holy Spirit that convicts us when and where we go wrong.  We need to listen to his voice and train ourselves thereby becoming ever more sanctified in heart and mind to be ever more like Christ.

"Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6 NIV).

The motivation, however, is not to reach an end of suffering.  This is out of love and gratitude to God for all He has done for us through His Son Jesus Christ.  We will come to a time of no more suffering, that is, when He takes us to be with Him.  In Heaven there is no more pain, sorrow or tears (Revelation 21:4).

Here is what we are told in Isaiah 25:8 ESV...

"He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for the LORD has spoken."

On Earth we must allow suffering to refine our faith.  Obviously we do not go purposely to search out suffering for ourselves.  But when the trials of life come, let our faith in God be  strengthened and reigned to a greater degree.

This testing of faith will... 

"...develop perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:3-4).

In this we need to "be patient"; we need to "stand firm" (James 5:7, 8).

"Blessed are those who have persevered" (James 5:11).

Consider Job's life in how he persevered through some catastrophic suffering:  loss of wealth, health, and offspring; bing, bang, boom!  Gone!

"The Lord finally brought about" a wondrous result for Job and He will for us too (See book of Job in Old Testament).  Be patient but persevere.   

God makes all things beautiful in His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Going back to how often the Buddhists observe the Five and the Eight Precepts.  The Five being for daily remembrance and the Eight for the bi-monthly full moon/new moon times.

If you read Numbers 28, for instance, you'll see the Israelites had daily, weekly and monthly offerings to make to God.  This would certainly jog their memories to remember and reinforce, yes, there is a God in heaven and to adhere to His precepts and maintain their personal and collective relationship with Him.

For them it was to bring blessing upon themselves by such observances.  If they obeyed God in these things they would not suffer the diseases, etc that other nations did.  However, if they forgot, they would bring curses upon themselves (Deuteronomy 28:15-28).

Part of the blessing, besides the health and wealth (yes, their crops would produce well and their livestock would be healthy and multiply) aspect, would be that devotion and commitment to God.  Double, triple, etc blessing would be theirs.

To bring this to a practical and spiritual level for today's world, think of the offerings you give for charitable causes.  Are they "without defect" (Numbers 28:3, 11)?  The Israelites offerings to God were supposed to be so.  Are ours?

Take for example giving second-hand clothes.  Are buttons missing?  Are zippers working?  Do the items look in decent condition overall?  Are they washed?  If you are giving to those less fortunate than yourself, they may not have extra buttons or zippers to repair the clothes or even the needles and thread to do the repair work.

In this we can help to alleviate the suffering of others when we give well.  We cannot totally stop our own or anyone else's suffering here on Earth but we can look forward to our Heavenly Home where all is perfection.

God gave His best for us.  He gave His One and Only Son to suffer in our place to atone for all those wrong thoughts and actions which cause suffering.  His Son is alive once again and living on our behalf interceding to God for us in all our earthly troubles.  Followers of Jesus Christ, follow God's example, persevere and embrace that suffering, remember to live and do what is right in God's eyes and give of your best to Him.  

                                                       ~ERC  2018~

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