Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Better Language

Is any one language (lg) better than another?  Linguistically speaking, as each lg has its own complete set of syntax, morphology and phonology, no one lg is superior to another.  However, if the focus is in connection with the other parts of the world in such terms of economics, information exchange or travel, for example, one would have to answer in the affirmative.

On the home front, within a specific lg community there are dialects that are more preferred than others that are considered that of the more educated.  If a person wishes to have social standing within a certain group of society or wants to apply for a better job, for example, their chances of success would be greater having that preferred "lingo of the educated".

Globally, much of the world is presently focusing on China for business and trade; therefore knowledge of the Mandarin lg has become more essential for those individuals or companies who wish greater economic survival, growth and success.

Economics leads, then, to information exchange.  The more people know the main lg of the 'target country', the more the information will likely be presented in that particular country's lg; be it, for example, Mandarin in Mandarin-speaking countries, English in English-speaking ones, or Arabic in Arabic-speaking territories.  All the better with which to understand each other.

Due to the world's increased interest in China, more tourists are traveling to that destination.  Being able to read signs and maps, and having a basic knowledge of Mandarin would greatly assist the traveler in getting about. 

In conclusion, English, Mandarin and Arabic have all been mentioned because they have become necessary lgs on the global scene in a more prominent fashion.  Thus the increased need of one lg's importance above another.  Where the demand is, so will that particular lg take precedence.  When viewed in such a manner, then, "Yes!", one lg can be better than another.

                                                            ~E.R.C. - May 2010~



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