Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fear Not

Fear not in scary times.  The noose is ever tightening around the neck.  Freedom, human rights, the "free life in Christ" as we know it, are ever encroached upon; that steadfast, determined solipsism of our belief in, and living out of, God's Word and God's standards, eclipsing us.

We must do this or that.  We must not do this or that or the other thing...avoid, avoid, avoid.

Consequences, consequences of non-compliancy.  No, I'm not in denial of what is purported to descend upon us.  Yes.  We must all prepare ourselves.  Yes, discretion is the better part of valor.  Wisdom and discretion are vital; I agree. 

BUT...But must we allow fear and paranoia rule our hearts and minds?  Paul tells Timothy that "God hath not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7-KJV).

Another calming verse calls us to "Let NOT our hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me; Jesus very words! (John 14:1).  Jesus was often calming people with His reassuring, "Don't be afraid's" and "fear nots" to the disciples and others who were genuinely alarmed by mind-boggling supernatural events.

We're given a job to do and with it the command from the Lord, "You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.  Do NOT BE AFRAID of them, for I am with you and will rescue you." (Jeremiah 1:7,8-NIV).

A command and an assurance.  Let us not let the fear of man cripple us.  Let us take courage and declare, "...therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way..." (Psalm 46:2,3-NIV).  Our God will deliver us from all our fears (Psalm 34:4-NIV).  Take note, deliverance is from our fears, not our circumstances.  God could choose to change the state of affairs we find ourselves in but that's not necessarily what He promises.  (That's another whole topic on it's own...suffice it to say, we learn and grow from our trials, tribulations and circumstances if we let Him.)

There is a type of fear sanctioned and beneficial, that is, the "fear of the Lord" which is the beginning of wisdom.  Who doesn't want to be wise?  Fear the Lord.  Serve Him.  Give Him glory.

Let us stand bold in Christ and claim our inheritance from the Lord.  He says in Psalm 2:8, "Ask of Me and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession."

Joshua of the Old Testament (OT) times was to lead the multitude of Israelites into the Promised Land of Canaan.  He was told to be "strong and courageous".  That land, at that time, was still in enemy hands.  They had to fight for it in up close and dangerous combat.

When they did fight, inch-by-inch; step-by-step, God gave them that much ground.  Everyday they had to go out and do it all over again.  Gaining that ground little by little, was not an easy feat.  Joshua 3:1 tells us, "I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised.."

If they had let fear overcome them, paralyzing them from the scary battles, they would get nothing.  So in faith, and in fear of God, they marched forward, and claimed the Promised Land as their inheritance (Lev. 20:24).  All the nations around them were to be blessed by the Israelites because of the Israelites obedience, strength and courage in their Almighty God.

Similarly, we can claim these promises when we "fear not".  When we are strong and courageous as Galations 3:8 announces, we will be a blessing to others, and be blessed right along with our ancient ancestor Abraham.

"Let us resolutely ask for spiritually "enlarged borders" (Isaiah 54:2-NIV) and for our inheritance in the land in which we find ourselves and that, despite the current situation.  Let this be our inheritance to offer to our God.  Let us ask God.  He will give graciously and generously. 

Put fear aside.  Pray.  Ask.  Confuse, confound, put into chaos the wiles of the devil.  Do not accept or be accepting of that which is contrary to our Lord; of that which wants to be instituted over the general populace.

Submit to God.  Resist evil and the evil one perpetuating the "take over" of  our souls and godly lifestyle (James 4:7 NIV).  Let us live our lives to please our Heavenly Lord and Master, Jesus Christ through His Word and His Holy Spirit's leading and guiding every step of the way living purposeful, pure lives according to God's standards being a good testimony and witness for Him, 'til He comes.

Fear NOT in these scary times.  Let it be said of us that we too have blessed those who live around us due to our obedience to uphold God and His standards, "speaking the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15-NIV).  Little bit by little bit, claim your inheritance for Almighty God.  

                                                                       ~ERC  2015~


  1. Very encouraging post, sister. Thank you for sharing!

    1. You are welcome, sister. And the words on this same subject you sent to me my other means were also comforting.

    2. Thank you for this encouragement and my pray is that many can be helped by these little posts.
