Saturday, October 15, 2016

Morning Musings-Chosen Lady Epistle


Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

I really like that this epistle is written to a "chosen lady and her children"; this epistle being 2 John.  Focus on verses 1-3She was loved not just by Elder John but also by "all who know the truth".  She must have been such a wonderful sister in Christ, dedicated to her children, God and His people.

Why was she loved?  Because of the "truth that lived in all of them and that would be with them forever".  My prayer for you my son (s) is that the same can be said of each of you too.  Let the truth of God reign your lives.

John has to get his favorite message in yet again in verse 3, that Jesus Christ is the Father's (God's) Son.  John wants the "grace, mercy and peace" which comes from "God the Father" and from His Son, Jesus Christ, to characterize the "chosen lady and her children" and in fact, all of "us" which includes John.  He wants them to manifest these, not in some legalistic or false way of living but  in "truth and love".

These are two more of John's themes:  truth and love.  The truth about Jesus Christ being God's Son and all Jesus did for us through His death and resurrection, offering forgiveness for our sins, once and for all, gaining eternal life for those who accept this salvation.  The love that propelled and compelled both the Father, God, and the Son, Jesus Christ, to go through with that salvation rescue plan.

God's love...may God's love propel and compel us too, to extend grace, mercy and peace to others.  Have them in abundance ourselves first, then freely 'dish' them out.

Grace to extend forgiveness to others and treat them with the goodness and kindness that they do or do not deserve.  Surprise them.  That's God's way.

Mercy given despite the others actions which warrant 'no mercy'.  They deserve "to get what's coming to them"-some form of punishment or consequence but withheld due to God's mercy and love able to restrain us from meting out revenge, etc.

Peace...the peace of God in our hearts and minds comes through Jesus Christ who is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah  9:6).  We make peace with God when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  Our sins have been atoned for.  We no longer need to fear death and being placed forever in hell upon our death.

We can have everyday peace too.  When we "cast all our anxieties  (worries and cares) upon Jesus; He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).  When we do that, despite life's challenges, we can have peace.

Peace comes through the Holy Spirit as it is one of the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22, 23).  As we rest and trust in God, greater and greater will be our peace.  

We can make peace and give peace to others.  We can do this fueled by God's love for them, through us, God's channels of blessing.   May we each have grace, mercy and peace in ever increasing abundance and influence others for Christ as the chosen lady must have exemplified.

Read 2 John 4-6.

As we continue in so doing,  let us also "walk in truth", "walk in obedience to the the Father's commands" and "walk in love".  I get the image of a big pond of water where a person can wade in and splash and frolic, or a place where there is a fountain of water with adults, as well as children,  playing in the cascading water...they are "walking in" it.

Similarly, we children of God can walk in His truth, obedience and love that is ever available to us.  When we walk obediently to the Father's commands and in truth and love, grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ,  we will discover that the Father's Son will be with us. 

                                                             ~ERC  2016~

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