Thursday, February 6, 2025

God is for Us

 "What shall I say to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us" (Romans 8:31 ESV)?

This verse appears to have been plucked out from the middle of somewhere.  It must be from a very special and powerful scenario.  And do you get this feeling it should be read in context of its position in Romans chapter 8?  Read and see that with God on our side we can be victorious even when our present time of suffering may be overwhelming.

Even if you read a couple of verses previous to this verse 31, there is so much happening or that has happened on the follower of Jesus Christ's behalf.  The few verses beyond verse 31, actually to the end of the chapter (vs 39) are packed with how "God is for us".  Read them and you'll see for yourself.  Our God who loves, is so amazing.

Thankfully, because of our faith in Jesus Christ we have His Holy Spirit's indwelling.  The Spirit helps in our weaknesses and He teaches us how to pray as we ought.  That sounds like we don't simply give Him our Christmas wish list, so to speak.

"How we ought" can encompass much.  If someone is against us, for example, do we pray them out of our lives?  Or should we 'ought' to pray for as much resolution as possible in a relationship and/or that one who is yet to come to Christ, that they do put their faith in Jesus, accepting Him as their Lord and Savior.

It's tough to be a Christian because of these sorts of things.  It takes obedience to our Lord's way and will of how we ought to govern our lives and behave as Jesus would.

God loves us too. His love will work all our present difficulties together for our good.  Our 'oughts' put into action can bring about this good as God loves us, and the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and we follow.

After all, God called us for His purpose.  He's got us covered.  God's golden chain does not lie heavily around our necks.  This is God's family secret for us who believe, showing He is indeed, 'for us'.

He knew us even before we knew ourselves.  Doesn't this give you hope and reassurance?  The omniscient, loving God KNOWS me!  Say that again, "The omniscient, loving God KNOWS, ME!"  It's comforting and overcomes our darkest storms and thoughts.  I can begin to trust Him with me.  I can begin and continue to trust as He is going to work all the things happening in my life, together, for my good.

He foreknew me and also predestined me to be conformed to His image.  That's the part where we 'ought' to pray and obey so we become more like Jesus in character and actions.

We know God is for us because He sent His only Son to the cross on our behalf.  He died and raised again on the third day.  God is a living, alive, God.  He called us,  justified us and glorified us through this demonstration of His love for us. 

All these things work together for our good so we can be "more than conquerors."  Those things we conquer as individuals will be differently respective but we will be conquerors as He helps us through our personal weaknesses and as we pray and obey as we ought.

As we go through the thicks and thins and ups and downs of life, remember nothing can separate us from God's love.  Since young I have particularly liked the last three verses of Romans 8.  There is even a song with those words.

The apostle Paul was sure that nothing could separate us from God's love.  He's written quite an impressive list of things that we may think could be against us but that Paul was sure were not.  They are:  neither death, life, angels, rulers, present things, nor things to come, nor powers, height, depth, nor anything else in all creation.  None of these will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  

Is He your Lord?  Is He your God?  Is He your Savior?  If He is, then He is for you.  Our God is for us, He's not against us no matter what.

Can you, no, will you believe this?  In God we can surely put our trust.  Trust Him.

Father God, surely in You we can put our trust.  You are for us.  With you we can be more than conquerors.  From the bottom of my heart I thank You in Jesus name.  Through Your Holy Spirit's help I can overcome all that overwhelms.  May I ever grow more like Jesus.  Amen.

                                               ~ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Romans 8 ESV.

Sing, More Than Conquerors, along with Steven Curtis Chapman and You Whispered Hope, along with Divine Healer.

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