Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Healing Acts of Kindness

 Acts of kindness given quietly and meaningfully to a grieving heart will be remembered even years and decades later.  They help heal the heart.

To know someone had cared in that moment and showed empathy despite not necessarily understanding the full depth and impact of the recipient's heartache, trauma or difficulty, touches the heartstrings in significant ways.  Grief often blinds and blurs a person's mind and usual details can be left out.

There was a couple who lost their baby girl to leukemia.  She had been their firstborn child.  She was not quite sixteen months old when she was carried to the arms of Jesus.

At the funeral, baby girl lay in her coffin dressed in her best.  It was a bright red one which had been given to her for Chinese New Year finery just months prior.  As the mother sat gazing at her little one, she suddenly realized, "Oh, I forgot flowers!"  Mother found out that her friend had gotten a bouquest of flowers and arranged a handful in her wee one's hands.  Like I said, small acts of kindness go a long way to aid a wounded heart to heal and find comfort.

The mother had also been going through a litany in her mind.  "Baby Girl will never reach sweet sixteen.  She will never get married."

As soon as that last thought crossed her mind, the Lord spoke to her.  "This is her wedding day."  The mother was stunned.  True, her baby had a festive dress on and flowers in her hands.  She had gone to be with Jesus.  Despite the grief, the Lord's words of kindness and hope, comforted the mother's hurting heart.

In the book of Ruth, Boaz showed kindness to Naomi and Ruth.  These two ladies had grieving hearts but Ruth showed kindness to her mother-in-law.  Boaz "never stopped" showing his kindness to both the women.

There is a line written by Alyson Kieda in Our Daily Bread 2023.  She remarked about such acts of kindness.  She wrote,

 "As God used ... Boaz to help transform the grief of another, He can work through us to show kindness and empathy to others in pain."

When you yourself have gone through grief and pain, and have been comforted in various ways by others, you will be able to understand some of what another is experiencing.  Find ways to bring similar comfort.  There will be times when we are the givers and times when we will be the receivers of such acts of kindness.

Empathy in action creates acts of kindness that go a long way.  Recall that Boaz's acts of kindness produced Obed, who begat Jesse, who begat David, who centuries later, begat Jesus Christ.  That was over a thousand years of after effects!

For that mother who lost her baby daughter its been just over three decades and although there is still some heartache that never quite goes away, the act of kindness shown by her friend lives on in her heart, having nudged the transforming process of her grief into healing and being able to eventually continue living herself.

Let's each be reminded to be on the alert for when and how and what to do in order to bring healing acts of kindness to those working through grief and other forms of trauma.  Don't stop.

                                                 ~ ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Ruth 2:20 (and 5-12).  Also, Our Daily Bread Sept/Oct/Nov 2023 - 7 Sept by Alyson Kieda.

Sing, Try a Little Kindness, along with Glen Campbell.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Becoming A Nobody

 Are you a NOBODY?  There's one at the church I attend.  I respect him although there are those who only do to a limited degree and he sometimes gets scolded by them.  He is available for almost everything asked and not asked of him even though he may have less skill and talent than others.  He is there.  He is ready.  He is willing to be used for the Master's use.

The part of the Philippians' passage that reads,

"...not that I already perfect ..."

really describes him.  He still,

"...presses on to make [what is asked of him] [his] own, because Christ Jesus has made [him] His own" (Philippians 3:14 ESV).

Another sister-in-Christ recently handed me her business card.  She has quite the list of accredation to her name.  They are listed front and back of the card.   Her husband, looking over her shoulder, said with a proud grin, "She needs a third page".  Some of her credits have yet to be listed. (Oh, don't get me wrong, she's actually a very nice person and I like talking with her.)  She uses her abilities and training for the Lord and to help bring justice and hope to those who can't help themselves - those "poor and needy" Jesus talks about.

Paul's list in Philippians 3:4-14 just kind of reminded me of this sister's  list.  Paul said that whatever he had attained and gained and whatever his pedigree, he counted it,

"... for loss for the sake of Christ" (vs 7).

All Paul's former prestige and accolades were nothing compared to what he had in Christ.  He preferred to know Christ and the

 "... power of His resurrection and [to] share in his sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, that by any means possible [he] may attain the resurrection from the dead" (vs10-11). 
 This is what he came to value above all else.

He was once a Somebody who became a Nobody for Christ.  So in our careers and strivings to attain our dreams and goals in life to support ourselves and families, keep this perspective in view.  What is it that I value above all else?  Am I willing to become a Nobody for Christ?  Are my heart and soul ready?

It could be humbling for us especially when viewed through society's eyes or with some family members who do not understand us but it is like Christ who humbled Himself and became a man (see Philippians 2:5-11).  Jesus was a man who was despised and rejected but whom God acknowledged and loved.  He said, 

"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased" (see Matthew 3:17 ESV).

Wow!  As followers of Jesus Christ we have become children of God who ought to become more and more like Christ, with whom our God and Heavenly Father is well pleased.  This is what nobodies do.  May Christ's grace abound in all our hearts as we go forth as a 'Nobody'.

Are you a Nobody?

                                                ~ ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Philippians 3:4-14 (ESV).

Sing, To Be Like Christ, along with River Valley Worship.


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Lord's Day Devotion - Promises That Bring Joy

 "Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill                                               His promises to her" (Luke 1:45)!
When read it in context, this verse lights up.  Mary the mother-to-be of Jesus is told she will conceive and give birth to the "Son of the Most High" and be given the "throne of His father David"!  He would be called "the son of God" and she was to give Him the name, "Jesus."  This was astounding news for such a young teen.  Yet, she humbly believed that the Lord would fulfil His promises to her and she would be blessed because of her belief.

The Lord fulfills His promises even today.  His word tells me He will be with me wherever I go (See Joshua 1:9 & Matthew 28:20).  If it hadn't been for these verses of promise, I wouldn't have done half the things in life that I did do.  

We can never underestimate God's promises.  We can trust what He says.  Because of Mary's belief, generations that followed were also blessed when they believed.  Jesus, Savior, Redeemer and Friend bought our salvation and rescued us from sin, Satan, and Hell and eternal loneliness and death - the consequences of our sin.

One day soon, Jesus will call all those, who by faith, have believed in Him and accepted Him as Savior and Lord.  He promises to come back for us and take us to be with Him forever.  No more separation from God.  No more loneliness but eternal life and joy.  When I think of this promise, it's the one that gives me the most joy. 

May joy flood the heart of all my brothers and sisters-in-Christ this Lord's Day as we partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine in remembrance of all Jesus has done for us - even the keeping of His promises.

I praise You, Father God, because You are trustworthy.  You are the One true God and the One who keeps all Your promises, come what may.  Thank You for the fulfilled promise of Jesus who became my Savior.  Thank You for the promise of His return for me, someday soon.  This gives me joy.   I look forward to and to being with You for all eternity, together with all those who have believed.  In Jesus name I give You my thanks and praise.  Amen.

                                                     ~ ERC  February 2025 ~

Based on Luke 1:26-38 and Our Daily Bread Sept/Oct/Nov 2023 - 10 Sept - by Cindy Hess Kapper

Sing, When the Trumpet of the Lord Shall Sound, along with the Hymn Club.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

God is for Us

 "What shall I say to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us" (Romans 8:31 ESV)?

This verse appears to have been plucked out from the middle of somewhere.  It must be from a very special and powerful scenario.  And do you get this feeling it should be read in context of its position in Romans chapter 8?  Read and see that with God on our side we can be victorious even when our present time of suffering may be overwhelming.

Even if you read a couple of verses previous to this verse 31, there is so much happening or that has happened on the follower of Jesus Christ's behalf.  The few verses beyond verse 31, actually to the end of the chapter (vs 39) are packed with how "God is for us".  Read them and you'll see for yourself.  Our God who loves, is so amazing.

Thankfully, because of our faith in Jesus Christ we have His Holy Spirit's indwelling.  The Spirit helps in our weaknesses and He teaches us how to pray as we ought.  That sounds like we don't simply give Him our Christmas wish list, so to speak.

"How we ought" can encompass much.  If someone is against us, for example, do we pray them out of our lives?  Or should we 'ought' to pray for as much resolution as possible in a relationship and/or that one who is yet to come to Christ, that they do put their faith in Jesus, accepting Him as their Lord and Savior.

It's tough to be a Christian because of these sorts of things.  It takes obedience to our Lord's way and will of how we ought to govern our lives and behave as Jesus would.

God loves us too. His love will work all our present difficulties together for our good.  Our 'oughts' put into action can bring about this good as God loves us, and the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and we follow.

After all, God called us for His purpose.  He's got us covered.  God's golden chain does not lie heavily around our necks.  This is God's family secret for us who believe, showing He is indeed, 'for us'.

He knew us even before we knew ourselves.  Doesn't this give you hope and reassurance?  The omniscient, loving God KNOWS me!  Say that again, "The omniscient, loving God KNOWS, ME!"  It's comforting and overcomes our darkest storms and thoughts.  I can begin to trust Him with me.  I can begin and continue to trust as He is going to work all the things happening in my life, together, for my good.

He foreknew me and also predestined me to be conformed to His image.  That's the part where we 'ought' to pray and obey so we become more like Jesus in character and actions.

We know God is for us because He sent His only Son to the cross on our behalf.  He died and raised again on the third day.  God is a living, alive, God.  He called us,  justified us and glorified us through this demonstration of His love for us. 

All these things work together for our good so we can be "more than conquerors."  Those things we conquer as individuals will be differently respective but we will be conquerors as He helps us through our personal weaknesses and as we pray and obey as we ought.

As we go through the thicks and thins and ups and downs of life, remember nothing can separate us from God's love.  Since young I have particularly liked the last three verses of Romans 8.  There is even a song with those words.

The apostle Paul was sure that nothing could separate us from God's love.  He's written quite an impressive list of things that we may think could be against us but that Paul was sure were not.  They are:  neither death, life, angels, rulers, present things, nor things to come, nor powers, height, depth, nor anything else in all creation.  None of these will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  

Is He your Lord?  Is He your God?  Is He your Savior?  If He is, then He is for you.  Our God is for us, He's not against us no matter what.

Can you, no, will you believe this?  In God we can surely put our trust.  Trust Him.

Father God, surely in You we can put our trust.  You are for us.  With you we can be more than conquerors.  From the bottom of my heart I thank You in Jesus name.  Through Your Holy Spirit's help I can overcome all that overwhelms.  May I ever grow more like Jesus.  Amen.

                                               ~ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Romans 8 ESV.

Sing, More Than Conquerors, along with Steven Curtis Chapman and You Whispered Hope, along with Divine Healer.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Letter From Christ


In this day and age we don't get too many letters in the mail.  It's the age of short text messages via WhatsApp, WeChat and so on.  They're quick and easy to tap out without much effort or stress.  It's a red-letter day when we get an actual letter or postcard in the snail mail letter box.  Eagerly, we slit open the envelop, pull out the letter and read what a friend has taken the time to sit down and write.

Has a 'letter from Christ" ever come your way?  Second Corinthians 3:3 reads,

"You show you are a letter from Christ ... written ... with the Spirit of the living God."

When I read this verse this morning, I felt,"'Ugh-oh', have I been a good letter to read?"  What words and actions have I displayed to others in representing Christ who is my Savior?   Since I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, how much do I allow the Holy Spirit of the living God to write "on the tablets of [my] human [heart]"?

When people see me coming are they getting  a wonderful letter from Christ or not?  Is the fruit of the Spirit ripe and fragrant?  These are good questions with which I need to examine myself without making excuses for certain behaviors exhibited that wouldn't have been written by Christ.

One of the most well known letters from Christ to the world was Billy Graham.  He was such a man of God with integrity.  So many billions of people worldwide heard his gospel messages and trusted in Christ because 'as a letter from Christ,' Billy Graham had very clear and precise writing.  He was exemplary.

The apostle Paul in his letter to the Corninthians said he didn't really need the written with paper and ink letter but that they themselves were a letter from Christ ... written ... with the Spirit of the living God".  I want to be such a letter too.  I make it my prayer.  May it be each and every child of God's prayer too.  We can open our human hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to begin writing.  Pray that what other people 'read' will be a clear, precise and heartwarming, transforming letter from Christ.

                                              ~ ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on 2 Corinthians 3:3 NIV.

Sing, In Christ Alone, along with Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Loved and Well Pleased

 "You are my Son, whom I love; with You I am well pleased" (Mark 1:11).

When you read this verse of Scripture in context you will observe the speaker is God the Father speaking from Heaven at Jesus' baptism.  He loves His Son and He is well pleased with Him.

If you have a son, or a daughter, you do love him or her.  A parent is not always well pleased with them though.  But when the offspring choose to follow the way they should, the parents are well pleased.

Jesus told John the Baptizer He wanted to fulfill all righteousness, therefore He wanted to be baptized even though He didn't need to be.  This made God the Father well pleased and He made sure Jesus His Son knew it and that others heard those words too.  Being so acknowledged in front of others gives a person an extra sense of truly being known and loved by those who should love them and show their care.

It doesn't hurt to let ones' children know when the parent is well pleased with them.  It's one way to show them you really do love them.  A child's doubts can be lessened and even eradicated.  When our children do what they should and then extra over and above, it makes the parents' hearts even more well pleased.

When I see my children's walk with the Lord in their adult years, it makes my heart well pleased.  There was a time earlier on while they were still in high school and university, when they so happened to be altogether that really pleased my heart.  One played the drums, one the guitar and another the piano and his own vocal chords - singing.  Oh, how the praises of Jesus they played and produced together, cheered and warmed me so that my heart sang and was well pleased.

No doubt you can think of instances when the children you love have made your hearts swell with happy gratefullness.  Thank the Lord for them.  In this way we can grasp with greater understanding how God felt that day His Son insisted on being baptized.

Heavenly Father, how Your heart must have sung as You saw Your Son Jesus being baptized, obediently fulfilling all acts of righteousness.  Your Holy Spirit and Your voice were seen and heard that day by Jesus and those others in attendance.  Thank You for letting us see too and get glimpses of this Father-Son relationship through our own earthly relationships with our children.  Help parents everywhere to not only love their children but to speak gracious words of encouragement to them especially when they are well pleased with them.  We also ask that our children will walk closely with Jesus all their days.  In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.

                                                  ~ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Mark 1:11.

Sing, All Our Praise and Worship, along with Destination Music.


Sunday, February 2, 2025

HAIKU - Garden Peace

 A-w-e-some!  Flower feast.

Garden hues abuzz, blending.

Spectacular sight.

Sit a while.  Breathe.

Bask in the calming, peaceful

Beauty.  God is here.

Soul and Spirit steep

in garden peace.  Tension creeps

away.  A-w-e-some peace.

~ ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on friend MJB's Summer garden.  Photo summer of 2024.  Also Philippians 4:7 "...the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Sing, Peace, along with Bethel Music.