Saturday, December 28, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Satisfied & Filled


Are you hungry for goodness?  Do you long for something that never seems to get satisfied?

We just passed the Christmas season.  Many have had a wish list for certain materialistic longings.  Maybe there was even the longing for certain family members to be present.  Maybe they could not attend the family gatherings so those longings for the goodness of family could not be satisfied.

There is one person who could be present though.  He is the one who can satisfy all longings and fill a hungry soul.  

That is Jesus.  He is present with a believer and gatherings of believers in Him.

The psalmist testifies to this.  He wrote,

"For He satisfies the thirsty (or longing soul) and fills the hungry with good things (or goodness) Psalm 107:19 (NIV/KJV).

In this New Year coming up, let's let Jesus be the one to satisfy our thirst asnd hunger.  Read the Word.  Pray - talk more with Him.  Commune with Him.

Find your comfort and rest in Him.  Let Him soothe your sorrows and calm your troubled hearts.  Be nurtured by His great grace, His love and goodness that will surely follow you from the old to the new year.

Remember His goodness and be thankful.   

This year has had some unsettling occurances for my husband and I, yet the Lord has seen us through.  There will not be a lot of change when the midnight fireworks go off, marking the new year begun.  But we know that the steadying presence of Jesus brings the peace that passes all understanding.

Anyone can have this - in Christ.

This Lord's Day as we partake of the bread and drink from the cup of wine, remember all Jesus has done for us, for you, through His sacrificial giving of Himself.  He brought us life through His death and resurrection.

Won't you  be filled with Him?  Won't you be satisfied with Him?

Give Him your thanks.

Jesus, thank You for satisfying my thirst and filling my hungry soul with You.  May I ever be so grateful.  Amen.

                                                ~ERC  December 2024 ~

Based on Psalm 107:9.

Sing, Fill My Cup, Lord, along with Philip Banchard.

                     HAPPY NEW YEAR, TO ONE AND ALL!  

                                    GOD BLESS YOU!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Mistakes & Flawlessness

 In one breath she was told she was 'flawless'.  The next breath, "Oh, you've accumulated 244 mistakes this year."  Hah!

Wow!  Only 244?  Actually, that tally has grown since then.  It was also the tally of only four months worth of errors on certain lessons to be learned.  Think of all the others!


Mistakes, thankfully, that weren't more serious than saying 2 + 2 = 5.  Just think of the more serious list of sins against God!

Thankfully, again, there is redemption through jesus.  His love gave the gift of salvation which coveres over a multitude of sins by faith and with His blood (see 1 Peter 4:8).

Then God blots out all of our sins (see Isaiah 43:25).  He will no longer keep track of them all.  In fact, He will forget them all!  Isn't that a mercy!  Through Christ, we have been made flawless in the eys of God. 

With gratitude and thanksgiving let us partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine, those symbols of Jesus' broken body and shed blood for us.  Place one to another this Lord's Day, singing Hallelujah!  What a wonderful Savior is Jesus our Lord!

                                                        ~ ERC  December 2024 ~

Based on Isaiah 43:25.

Sing, What a Wonderful Savior is Jesus Our Lord, along with Squirrel24.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Good Book - A Rule Against Murder (a novel) - By Louise Penny


As far as I can recall this is my first ever Louise Penny book I read.  I found it to be a fantastic read for the most part.  I like that the setting is in Quebec, Canada.  

Chief Inspector Gamache and his wife Reine-Marie are a very endearing couple, yet are no-nonsense people.  Other characters stand out for their own respective, ahem, specialness and this book could be read as a stand alone.

However, a friend explained to me that this mystery murder novel follows about a four book series line up, that if read in sequence, would help give greater background of its characters and incidents.  I'll take her word for it.

Mr. Finny and his sums counting was a good surprize for me and in the end I really liked him because of it.  Yet even though A Rule Against Murder is such a great and clean story overall, I was disappointed with the bad language that marred some of its pages and I wished that the author didn't feel it necessary to include such words.  Therefore, I choose to only give a 4-Star rating.

                                                        ~ ERC  August 2024 ~

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

HAIKU - Refreshing Rain

 Rain.  Refreshing drops

cascading, reviving plants.

Giving life to them.

It's okay.  Flood my

soul, with restoring Word of

God; give spirit life.

Growth in Christ, walking

in the fear of God, healthy

living.  Refreshing.

~ERC  November 2024~

Sing, There Shall Be Showers of Blessing, along with She Who Prays.

See Jesus Only


When you lift up your eyes who or what do you see?  I like what the inner circle disciples, Peter, James and John, finally saw ...

"And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only"                                  (Matthew 17:8 ESV)

After such an astounding mountain high experience the three disciples finally saw "Jesus only".

May we see 'Jesus only' too.  No matter who the hero or heroine may be otherwise, even if we ourselves have had a mountain high experience or accomplishment, remember who has given us the creativity, skills, talents, and abilities to achieve great things.  Let us see Jeus only and give Him our praise and thanksgiving.

Jesus, I pray I will see You only and that there be no hero worship of man or woman over and above You.  You are the one and only Son of God to whom I want to give praise, glory and honor with my life.  In Your name I make this desire known to You, no matter how many human beings may make me amazed.  You are the best and have done the most - Jesus Immanuel.

                                                     ~ ERC  August 2024 ~

Based on matthew 17:1-8 ESV.

Sing, Jesus, Only Jesus, along with Passion Music.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Good Book - the MAN in White - By Dr. Ernest F. Crocker - Reviewed by ERC


What a pleasant, satisfying read this book has been for me!  Reading of God's wonders that He performs for and through His sons and daughters-in-Christ are marvelous!  It is a testimony of His sometimes reluctant children who eventually do listen to and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, and His audible voice, directing them in ways they sometimes did not want to go but then the amazing results, when they submitted to Him and His way for them.

I especially liked the accounts of the brother who developed/invented the bionic ear; of the sister who, out of the blue was directed to visit a prisoner and the amazing results of that; and of the brother who prayed away a cyclone.  I particularly liked how they listened to the Lord's voice bearing testimony to a close relationship with their Heavenly Father, God.  It has been a great encouragement to me and I hope that any other readers would find comfort, courage and enlightenment towards greater trust and obedience to ones Heavenly Father and have victory in Christ.

The explanation at books' end regarding the book's title was very much of interest too.  If you'd ask me, I'd give this booka 5-Star rating.

                                                    ~ERC  November 2024 ~

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Book Review - The Devil's Ransom - By Antony Barone Kolenc - Publication Date: 3 December 2024

 Teens, especially mid-teens' readers will no doubt love this exciting adventure, I believe.  Lots of action to whet the curious' appetite for more.  I liked that the teenaged characters relied on God and spoke the name of Jesus.  However, Protestants will want to take note of references to praying to Mary.  Other than these few Catholic leanings, the storyline is excellent, filled with dangers, yet educational in the sense of teaching about spiritual warfare, which is very real and that a Christian will indeed engage in through their life as did Xan, Christina, Lucy and Aubrey.

I like that this is historical fiction set during Medival times in 1188.  It was a time of Knights Templar, Knights Hospitallers, Crusades, Moors and more.  The author of this sixth and last book in the Harwood Mysteries series has dramatically brought these times to life.  Despite it being a stand alone book I feel an interested reader would really wish to read those that came before.

At this book's end, the author has penned further notes about the history of those times and added a glossary of terms that have been used within the narrative.

                                              ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                         September 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - A Prayer

 Lord, come speak to me.  Let's have honest conversation.  I know You alone are The Truth, so I can rest in that, knowing you won't lie to me, ever.  Here I kneel before You, teach me Your ways, and to walk in the fear of You, my Lord and my God.  Let Your truth set me free of anything false.

I'm sorry Lord for the many ways I do not walk with You.  May all bitterness evaporate, bringing me the sweetness of Christ, through Your Holy Spirit's work in me.

The year end is coming, people begin to think of New Year resolutions.  I want Your sweetness, honesty and to be ever conscious of Your presence in my life.

You came from Heaven to Earth so that I can be by Your side forever.  Thank You Jesus Christ for Your birth into this world, that You may die, earning my pardon on the cross. 

In Your name I give You thanks as I partake of the bread of remembrance and drink of that cup symbolizing Your blood shed for me and the millions of other 'whosoever's' for whom You died and rose again.  Together, we remember You this Lord's Day.  Amen.

                                                ~ ERC  December 2024 ~

Based on John 8:32.

Sing, Wonderful Words of Life, along with Islington Baptist Church.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Good Book - The Third Culture Kid Experience - By David C. Pollock & Ruth E. Van Reken


This offering has mammoth potential to be a great boon to Third Culture Kids (TCKs) and Adult Third Culture Kids (ATCKs).  It is so informative with its whys and wherefores and understanding of the life and emotions of the lives of unheaval they have lived, most often since childhood up into adolescence and beyond.

Having read through from cover to cover I felt heard, listened to and empathized with.  As one reminisces the happy memories and then negative ones that surface, I was enabled to process some of both ends of the emotions' spectrum of gladness that often had been overridden with anger, loss, pain of loss, and even guilt for having had those negative emotions in the midst of ones parents doing good.

The sum of all the moves, friendships, loss of friendships, learning new cultures and currencies and more all take a toll.  David C. Pollack and Ruth E. Van Reken do a great job at exploring and explaining with very constructive helps,  how a TCK and an ATCK can navigate through the life time of experiences and feelings they have had and that seek to overwhelm them and the often suppressed and repressed grief of so many losses that perhaps they haven't even begun to realize and/or name in the ATCK's "highly paradoxical experiences" (book's phrase).

There's a helpful survey at book's end as well as writings by two different ATCKs.  A reader will also find Resources listed from ATCK associations in various countries; Global Nomad Resources being one of these.  There's a list of practical books on ATCK issues, auto and bio-graphical, for both adults and children.

All-in-all, I believe this to be a very helpful read and that so many ATCKs could benefit from this true cultural group grouping.

You are not alone.

                                              ~ ERC  August 2024 ~

See also:

Good Book - Letters Never Sent by Ruth E. Van Reken.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Good Book - Letters Never Sent - By Ruth E. Van Reken

 Some may know them as missionary kids (MK's) or preachers' kids (PK's) or even children of military or diplomatic families.  Whichever, they can be termed TCK's, that is, Third Culture Kids.  

Life's not easy for these sons and daughters as there's often a series of separation between offspring and parents.  On top of that, many TCKs have grown up in cultures not of their own parents' and therefore, have stronger identity with the culture of the particular country of mission field/military base/embassy where the parents work or have worked causing them to not know their own culture.  This has created the culture of Third Culture Kids.  Find out about it in this book and how it can affect them when they become ATCK's (Adult Third Culture Kids).

Constant upheaveal exacerbating mental and emotional rollercoasters can ensue.  Often the TCK masks his or her true feelings so we learn from this book, which can wreak havoc on any given individual.

This is a very open and honest look at one TCK's journey from her first separations onward and how she coped, or didn't.  This author's experiences could reflect any other such TCK's.  I believe Ruth E. Van Rekin's letters could be very helpful to anyone who has found themselves in just such circumstances.  Perhaps, you could then find that you are not alone.

May God bless each TCK and may they find healing and freedom as they work their way through this book.


                                                      ~ ERC  August 2024 ~

Monday, November 18, 2024

Shocking Revelations

Things I've learned from Harold J. Sala in his counseling book.*

When friends tell us of problems they have in their lives or even shocking revelations of sin in their lives, or even in a hindsight look at yourself, it is important to specifically identify the root problem.

If the person sincerely wants to confess and you feel you are that empathetic, listening friend who could help, finding that root cause is needful.  Otherwise, how can the person be helped?  It would be like only treating the symptoms of an illness and not the cause.

So as the would-be counselor listens, he or she may need to probe for the source.  From there it is good to lead the friend to recognize his or her options and their consequences, and then to move on to do nothing or to do different positive actions of healiing and restitution, as painful as they may be.  It 's best not to pinpoint these for the friend, Sala says, but rather to let them realize them for themself.  


It's recommended that these come from a willing heart of self-revelation despite being guided to those conclusions.

For example, when you review King David's failure.  That is, the adultery with Bathsheba.  We do not read of Bathsheba being being raked over the coals for her indescretions but of David being confronted by Nathan.

Nathan didn't hone in and tell David right off the bat that it was him nor of what to do about it.  NO.  He told David an allegory story and David at first didn't recognize himself in the story but he was angry at it and pronounced judgement upon the perpetrator.

That's when Nathan pinpointed, "You are that man!"  Speaking truth in love, Nathan was able to effectively say so.

David immediately did 'get it' and was very repentant.  Irreversible damage had been done, but David did realize his sin and made his confession to God.  He still had to suffer consequences (see 2 Samuel 12:10-24:25).

Other examples from Scripture are Peter and John Mark.  Peter had denied he knew Jesus.  Oh, he was adamant about it!  I think he was scared and lacked the courage to own up.  Jesus eventually restored him and he was used mightily to preach the gospel of Jesus thereafter.  Thousands came to Christ through him (see Acts 4;14-42 & 10:44-48).

John Mark hadn't had what it took to stick it out on a mission trip with Paul and Barnabus.  He hightailed it home mid-mission.  Yet, later on, Paul's remark was that John Mark was 'useful' to the ministry.  John Mark had learned some lessons (see 2 Timothy 4:11).

These instances are not so bad as the adultery-cum-murder that David instigated but many in this day and age live similar sexually immoral lives, and/or with other types of lives such as of dishonesty and living double lives.  Are we to the point of being contrite, wanting to confess and be helped out of it?  We must make sure we recognize our own sin, the options and  the consequences of continuing on the wrong path vs repentance and restitution.

Don't rush to it if you are the  friend wanting to help your friend in need.  Allow time and space for your friend to come to terms of what he or she needs to do for themself.  Give your support and encouragement, going along beside them.  This is the path of greater, truer healing.

Another huge aspect of this is when the offender confesses their sin to the offended, seeking forgiveness.  May the offended find the grace to be able to forgive.  This is tough but it is important to extend this forgiveness.

(No doubt it could take time thereafter to build up trust in the offender especially in cases of  adultery and incest, but it is a help towards one's own healing as well as in the offenders'.)

Harold J. Sala who wrote Counseling Friends in Need and on which this blog piece is based, said, quoting a Frank Pittman,

"Infidelity is the primary disrupter of families, the most dreaded and devastating experience in a marriage, and the most universally accepted justification for divorce."

Sala notes, 

"...but unfaithfulness doesn't have to end in divorce". 
 I think this is a profound statement.

Sala continues ...

"When people forgive each other, seek God's healing power, and rebuild the bridges of communication, a broken marriage can be helped."

In the example of a couple Sala used in his book, the husband and wife did seek that forgiveness and it was granted.  Their marriage was saved.  It was not an easy fix, mind you.  They had had to have time to travel their road to that positive outcome.  These things can be very challenging but not impossible.

It can, by God's grace, be possible for you too.

May our heavenly Father grant it to be so in your life as you surrender your lives to Him.  

So be it.

                                           ~ERC  August 2024 ~

*NOTE:  Please note that the above message is very much based on the book Counseling Friends in Need, Chapter 4.  Author Harold J. Sala.

Sing, A Beautiful Life (Breakthrough).

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Good Book - SABAH (North Borneo) Under the Rising Sun Government - By: Stephen R. Evans

 It is always of interest to me to try to understand what local citizens have suffered during various time periods.  This book describes such a scenario during WWII in Sabah under the Japanese occupation.  As you can imagine it is one of atrocities and terror but I was satisfied to discover there had been a resistance force, which did accomplish something.  The locals did try to stand up for themselves, although backlash was fierce.

This book details the run up to, during and after shots of the Japanese time spent in Sabah.  It also incorporates some explanation of the British rule before and after the Japanese occupation.  There are some eyewitness accounts from prominent citizens of the time, who endured much suffering under the Japanese.  

The author, Stephen R. Evans, adds in several pictures of places and memorials (black & white).  The prose can be a bit dull at times and a reader may have to close an eye to errors of grammar here and there; however, there is much to learn from Evans.  I was glad to have had opportunity to read this history.

                                                       ~ERC  August 2024 ~


The first print of this book was in 1991 by Tropical Press, Singapore.

Read review on Goodreads

Book Review - I Think I Was Murdered - By Colleen Coble & Rick Acker - Publication Date: 12 November 2024

Once again I have enjoyed reading Colleen Coble (& Rick Acker)' s mystery thriller. What's more, learning a little bit about Bitcoin and chatbots was interesting. Katrina, Seb, Magnus, Liv and Dylan along with Agent Hughs, all added further intertwined intricacies to keep me guessing as they raced to find the key to the Satoshi egg. Who would find it first! Besides being tense at times I found the narrative to have some fun elements. I also liked the touches of faith in God factor. I believe the discussion questions at book's end would help a thoughtful reader suss out their conceptions regarding issues brought up in the novel.

Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger
July 2024

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Net Galley and the publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Book Review - Stubborn Life - By Franceska Michalska - Publication Date: 5 November 2024

 What an incredible journey of travesty yet overlaid with the stubborness to survive!  Definitely this has been a memoir of one who was in survival of the fittest mode.

Author Franceska Michalska tells it like it was, no holds barred.  Her story of displacement after displacement with harrowing journeys from Volhynia (Poland Belarus Ukraine), Kazakstan and her native Poland during WWII.  The abuse and cruelty of captors, mainly Russian was exponential.  Enduring starvation, fear, sub-zero temps, hard labor, and more, she lived by her wits and managed an education and a medical degree by snips and snaps.  

This book has been translated from Polish into English by Sean Gasper Bye.  In my opinion it is has been good for me to learn of these things.  It feels like the people in these Eastern Europian regions have had it even worse than those in western zones.  One would definitely not wish to have this happen all over again.  However, this region seems to be so repeatedly hard hit, even now.  This book will certainly give clarity on the situation to those readers who care and wish to understand more.

                                           ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                                June 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my own and honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Another Breath, Another Sunrise - Book 4 Michal's Destiny Series - By Roberta Kagan - Publication Date: 9 November 2024

 The tying up  of the aftermath of WWII horrors for Michal's scattered family and friends created a satisfactory read for me.  However, I felt somewhat disappointed with this fourth book in the Michal's Destiny series.  I believe it's because there was a fair amount of rehashing of the terrors, trauma and situations that occured in the first three books in order to make this a stand alone novel, in and of itself.  Somehow I expected more after the suspense of the ending of the third book.  Therefore, I rate this book with only 4 Stars.

                                                ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                            November 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.


Sunday, November 3, 2024

Book Review - I Am Wind - By Rachel Poliquin - Publication Date: 5 November 2024

 A big thumb's up for this extra-ordinary, educational children's book!  It is so fascinating and it feels like the author is so in-tune with young readers, knowing just the correct tweak to grab and hold their attention.  The personification of the wind, interspersed with easy-to-read and understand, more formal blurbs, coupled with fantastic illustrations makes this work a definite masterpiece!

I had no idea how many breezes and blasts of winds, and winds of varying names there are.  It is so interesting to learn of the different people groups from earlier times and their names for wind; their stories, legends and beliefs about wind and so on.  The book tells of the different measures of intensity of wind; of harnessing the wind for windmills and other work; of playing with wind, such as making it fly kites and much more.

The most interesting part for me was learning about the "Singing Sands," when wind and sand play together and sing,  for good or not so good results.  The list of key terms related to wind at book's end will help round out the scholastic input.   In my opinion, there's not a single dull page in the book!

A certain 5-STAR rating from me!

                                            ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                               May 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Book Review - A Season For the Heart - By J.M. Hochstetler - Publication Date: 1 November 2024


This was a lovely story.  There was so much about faith in Jesus and trusting in God.  There were endearing, amusing moments and those that brought tears and even anger.  There were authentic characters such as Judah who questioned God's love and care, and Ellie who struggled with her Mennonite upbringing with all its restrictions with which I could relate.  I really liked how the author carefully crafted the emotions and thought processes of the characters.  Issues such as child abuse, PTSD from war, and other trauma were touched upon.  Of course there was sweet romance but I thought all the issues in this historical fiction story were well balanced.

I was truly satisfied with this story and have been savoring it for the past couple of days.  I'd like to rate this heartfelt read with a 5-Star rating.

                                                       ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                                   October 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Shoe On the Other Foot

 Jesus has done so many great things like curing folks and raising others from the dead.  He taught His disciples and the crowds.  The people flocked around Him to see all those wondrous things He did and no doubt went home and told their families and friends about it all, perhaps even embellishing it, if that were possible.  

But what about the words He said and said to DO?  Do we DO them?  That is the question.

Those words, 

"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is law and the Prophets" (ESV).

Do you see that ...

"What you wish others would do to you, do ... them"

This is star action.

Philosphers of the past have said thing like, 

"don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you".

This is the negative passive perspective seems to imply then just don't do anything.  Live and let live.  You don't harm then, but likely you didn't help them either.

One preacher I heard lately, noted that Jesus took a vastly different approach, the one of DOING - doing something good that will help others, for their benefit.

Things get done then.  People get helped.  It appears many churches in Canada are helping the vast influx of immigrants and refugees in one way or another.  This is doing the 'do' - that which you'd want to be done for yourself if the shoe was on the other foot.

This is not selfish behavior because you are not keeping things for yourself but are helping others, not expecting return.

Lord, help us to do as Jesus did and do what we'd want others to do for us.  Amen.

                                                  ~  ERC  July 2024  ~

Based on Matthew 4:23-25, 7:12 ESV.

Sing,  The Prayer - along with Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion.

Book Review - Watch Over My Child - Book 3 in Michal's Destiny Series - By Roberta Kagan - Publication Date: 24 October 2024


This third book in the Michal's Destiny series has been another good read.  The twists and turns in Gilde's rescued life (Taavi and Michal's youngest daugher) are heartbreaking despite some of the good that transpires.  The book ends with a shocker that could well purport a further book in the series but this is only my guess.  Although this Book 3 could stand alone, I feel there would be much better connect if the previous two books are read in order.  Author Roberta Kagan has given readers yet another 5-star rated (by me), WWII timeframe work of historical fiction.

                                             ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                          October 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Angel of Death - The James Ryker Series Book 12 - By Rob Sinclair - Publication Date: 24 October 2024


If a potential reader is looking to keep their adrenaline nimble, this book could be a good choice.  I found enough action, mystery and murder to give me a good thrill.  In the twists and turns you'll meet Ryker and Angel - almost like cookie cutter replicas of each other.

Clandestine meetings, super rich folks and people in power, the key to much of the action.  And is the Syndicate actually real?  The intrigue kept the pages turning for me.  Some potential readers may like to be cautioned regarding some of the more imitmate scenes as well as for some of the violence involved.  Other than these aspects, I felt that author Rob Sinclair crafted a noteworthy narrative.

                                            ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                          October 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Book Review - Bounce! - By Sarah Albee - Publication Date: 22 October 2024


This children's book certainly has bounce!  For the truly scientifically-minded child, I believe this book will be fascinating and for the children who like things that bounce, they will be entertained and likely learn several new and interesting things they didn't know before about rubber, raincoats, balls and more.  Household names such as Macintosh, Goodyear, and Hancock will be more than about apples, car tires and signatures.  Accompanying illustrations help to bring the words alive in compelling educational manner.  Indeed, I believe readers of all ages will be able to find satisfaction with what this book has to offer.

                                                     ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                     May 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

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The Only Door

Not long ago, someone told me, "all paths lead to God".  

I asked, "Which god?"

She answered, "The God who made us."

Well if that was truly the God who had made her, it would have been good if she had explored more about this God from HIS book.  His book tells us Jesus is THE way and He is THE Door to God our Heavenly Father and Creator.

One preacher reminded me of the illustration I've also heard from my Dad so long ago.  It was about shepherds in ancient times who were all out for their sheep.

At night the sheep were enclosed in a rock wall enclosure. The only legitiment way in to or out of that protection was through one gateway.  This gateway had no inanimate structure of a door or gate.  The 'door' was the human, the living shepherd himself.  He'd position himself in that doorway, come wind, high weather, wild animal or thief or robber, they'd have to go through him.  Same for the sheep, if they wanted out, they'd have to go through him.

The shepherd was the only door.  The way to God is only Shepherd Jesus (see John 10:9-11).  I wish I had remembered this story when I spoke with that lady instead of becoming tongue-tied.  When we parted company I did say that I hoped she'd find peace in Jesus.  

May the Lord Himself work these words into her heart, mind and soul so that she will eventually reconcile with God through Jesus the ONLY door.

                                                      ~ ERC  July 2024 ~

Based on John 10:9-11.

Sing, In Christ Alone, My Hope if Found, along with Adrienne Liesching.

Friday, October 18, 2024

The Best One (Numbers 36)

 Not only did Zelophahad's daughters value their Promised Land inheritance, the tribal group and clan valued it too.  They asked Moses about it and found out what the LORD wanted them to do.  He provided for them.

This is what the LORD commanded the heads of the fathers' houses of the clan of the people of Gilead the son of Machir, son of Manasseh, from the clans of the people of Joseph to do ... (see vs 1).

The daughters had to marry within their own clan and so they did.  Moses commanded the people of Israel regarding this.  This was the ruling overall.  In this way no inheritance would be transferred from one tribe to another (see vs 9).

I like how obedient and submissive to God these hornorable people were.  It's a lesson to me to learn from.  It's to the Lord we can look even for marriage partners.  We don't need to go online or anything.  Ask Him to provide that one whom He believes is 'the best' one for you (see 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 KIV).

Where He leads and guides, may we follow.

                                                       ~ ERC  July 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 36 ESV.

Sing, The Lord Will Provide, along with Landon Wolfe and Passion.  I like the lyrics despite the music being a bit noisy.

Link:  Something They Valued.  Related ariticle.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

It's Beautiful (Numbers 34-35)

 It's beautiful to see how God maps out everything so orderly.  He organized the people of Israel, directing them through Moses how their inheritance of Promised Land land should be arranged.  Depending upon which tribe was bigger or smaller, their allotment was more or less respectively.  Thus, the boundaries of the Land were dispensed.

So Moses parcelled out the basic allotment to a chief from each tribe, each of whom, of course, were named - God hadn't forgotten any of them, He had them right on the tip of His tongue and could rhyme their names off easily.  The tribal chief then sub-divided the tribes' inheritance for the people and families within for their specific allotment.

Do you recall that the priests and Levites didn't get any land?  They had to rely on the rest of the tribes to do their part.  They had to give of their inheritance to create pasture lands and cities for the Levites.

Yes, God certainly does arrange things beautifully but He also wants His people to work together with Him.  He lets us do some of the work.  He wants willing, generous hearts to follow His lead.

What's more, there was further provision.  The six cities given to the Levites were to be six cities of refuge.  If somone had unintentionally killed someone, they could flee to one of these cities for protection against the avenger of blood.  The murderer could find refuge until it was ascertained whether it was truly accidental.  If it was, then the person could safely stay within the city of refuge's walls until the high priest of the time, died.

God, the Israelites' Heavenly Father, was so caring for His chosen children.  He planned and arranged what was just and good for them.  He did so in orderly fashion.

I believe He does for us, His redeemed people, even today.  It reminds me of the poem by Elizabeth Cheney titled, Overheard in an Orchard and it goes like this ...

"Said the Robin to the Sparrow:

I would really like to know,

Why these anxious human beings 

rush about and worry so?"

"Said the Sparrow to the Robin:

"Friend, I think that it must be 

That they have no Heavenly Father,

Such as cares for you and me."

Ironic.  Tongue-in-cheek irony.  Actually, you and I do have a Heavenly Father who does care for you and me.  We just have to stop being stubborn and accept His care and provision.

Isn't it beautiful!

Heavenly Father, it's beautiful to see how caring You are in the ways You do provide for Your creatures, great and small, especially for us human beings.  Help us to be grateful for it all.  In Jesus' name, amen.

                                                    ~ERC  July 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 34 & 35.

Sing, All Things Bright and Beautiful, along with Amina Bhatnager.