Friday, June 14, 2024

Book Review - A Vicious Machination - By Lynn Messina - Publication Date: 28 June 2024

 Although I found the narrative a slow start with all the many introductions of the characacters' whose who, the logjam eventually began to flow.  It became rather amusing to the point of outright laughter for me, and then the lure of curiostiy took over for figuring out the emeshing plethora of potential murderer culprits.  Be sure to hold your breath for Miss Verity Clark.

Once again, the reader will meet Beatrice Hyde-Clare, aka, The Duchess Kesgrave, with her fine detecting skills, accompanied by her loving Duke husband, who together, work out all the intricacies.  As this is Book XII in the Beatrice Hyde-Clare Mysteries series, the reader will also meet other familiar personages from previous books.  All-in-all, I found this mystery to be satisfactory, good clean fun.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             June 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads. Goodreads.

Book Review - What We Hide - By Colleen Coble - Publication Date: 2 July 2024

There is cause for excitement and suspense as one flips through the pages of What We Hide.  Mystery, murder, missing artifacts, alleged smuggling and such keep the reader curious.  Secrets and surprizes also await the reader.  I liked that there was mention of God and some other faith-based mentions such as forgiveness.  Those who have lost a young child will be able to commiserate with Hez and Savannah's heartache and the aftermath fallout.  Somehow or another they plowed through and things get solved but then, was there still something hidden?  In my opinion, other readers may well be left hanging on that cliff as was I.  Very clever 'ending'.

                                               ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                 May 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

About Refusing God (Hebrews 12:14-17, 25)

 It can be a serious matter to refuse to see a doctor when something appears to be very wrong with our health.  Remember the adage,

"A stitch in time saves nine"?

It's best to be sooner rather than later when it comes to our health too.

There is an even more serious matter however, that's when we refuse to listen to and obey God.  There is warning in God's Word against such refusals.

The original Israelites with their Tabernacle, walked around in the desert for 40 long years until all those people 20 years old and older had died.  Why?  It was because they had refused to accept God's gift of the Promised Land after He'd helped them escape from Egypt.  They hadn't trusted Him to see them through when the going got tough.

God wants us to 

"make every effort to live at peace with all men and to be holy" (vs 14).  

If we refuse to be holy, we won't see the Lord who is 100% holy.  If we get so angry at someone like if they'd damaged something that had been precious to us and that person refuses to forgive the one who wronged them, this 'victim' can become bitter and cause to hurt the other person back.

God's Word says, 

"...forgive one another" (Colossians 3:13).

We need to be obedient to God as that is part of being holy and living at peace with others.

What's more, the most important thing is to NOT refuse to enter the unshakeable kingdom of God.  Accept Jesus, Your sacrifice through faith in Him and become His follower today.

To refuse will cause ourselves big trouble.  Do not refuse to obey God.

Father God, I'm sorry for all the times I've refused to obey You and Your Word.  Give me an obediently softened heart to do Your will.  Thank You for salvation and Your Holy Spirit who helps me.  

In Jesus my living hope's name I ask, amen.

                                                  ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on Hebrews 12:14-17, 25 and Luke 11:2-4.

Sing, Goodness of God, along with Ce Ce Williams.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Book Review - Bitter and Sweet - By Rhonda McKnight - Publication Date: 11 June 2024

 This is certainly a well named book.  There is much bittersweetness within its pages and very real depiction of life's sorrows, jolts and joys.  Women made strong thereby get through with help from God, each other and therapy. Themes laced throughout touched on prejudice, forgiveness and reconcilation.  There's cautionary input regarding the wiles and lure of some men but also of decent manhood.  

I loved the two-pronged timelines of the main protagonists, two sisters who were the great-great granddaughters of Tabitha who struggled but overcame.  The parallel-like lives of the two different generations is notable, endearing and helpful to the younger women.  Despite the bitterness there were the lovely good, tender and sweet times which gave balance to the emotions as one read through the saga.

I also liked the down-home feel and the input about the Gullah people group, which lent further character to the book with its lingo, recipes and community way of life.   I had never heard of the Gullah folks before so this was of interest to me.  

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and found it to be a good satisfying read.

A 5-Star rating from me.

                                             ~Eunice C.  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              March 2024

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary review copy of this book from Net Galley and the publisher.  Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Read review on Goodreads.

God's Discipline (Hebrews 12)


Consequences follow whatever we do sooner or later.  Whether for good or bad deeds there is a day of justice, so to speak.  There will be discipline and punishment so we can hopefully learn our lesson.

In our own family and in the family of God, there are consequences to our actions.  If we say we belong to Him, then we are in God's family and God our Heavenly Father will deal with us out of His tender loving care and mercies.

Since He disciplines us for our good we will need to endure whatever hardship.  We need to persevere and learn whatever lesson He is teaching us.

It's not like He is a taskmaster or that all our hardship is because we have done wrong though.  Some of it is to help train us to show us the right way that pleases God, so we will go in the way we should go.

If a person wants to have a fit, buff body, he will exercise, body build and eat healthy meals.  Bit by bit the body shapes up.  In God's invisible, unshakeable kingdom, He wants us to train our behavior to become more obedient, patient and to have greater faith in Him.

Reading God's Word and obeying His will, will help strengthen our relationship with Him.  It helps us become more holy like He is.  In so doing our spiritual bodies will be more fit with righteousness, peace and healing.

Accept God's discipline, letting it train you to be more holy.  Think about it.  Do it.

Heavenly Father, I'm Your child and I know it doesn't feel good to be disciplined but do realize it's for my own good.  Thank You for what You are doing in my life even when it is difficult.

In Jesus' name I give You my thanks.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on Hebrews 12:1-12 (NIV).

Sing, In Control, along with Hillsong.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Mercy and Justice


God is so amazing.  He was able to demonstrate mercy and justice all in the same act of propitiation through Jesus Christ.  How was this possible?  

Take mercy with the simplified definition of "not getting what you deserve".  Each of us human beings have sinned and therefore fall short of the glory of God (see Romans 3:23).  But the wages of our sin is death and therefore the object of God's wrath.  Jesus took that wrath upon himself because He is human and God, so our Heavenly Father's wrath could be assuaged through Him.  We did not get what we deserved because Jesus took the punishment for our sins instead.

Justice - fairness, and just behavior and treatment was also demonstrated to us through the gift and offering of Jesus being our propitiation.  All of us fall short of the glory of God.  None of us could work enough good deeds to earn our salvation or to assuage God's wrath.

God did not ignore our sin, no, those of us who accept the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, through faith in Him, can have this justice.  Jesus perfectly and completely fulfilled the requirements for giving us mercy and justice all rolled into one great act of grace.

No, not one of us could ever have done such a thing no matter how many good deeds we could do, to become right with God and hopefully attain salvation and appeasement for our sins.

Praise the Lord as you partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine this Lord's Day for all He has done for you.  

Thank You, Jesus!

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Romans 3:20-26 ESV and Gordon Cheng's Peace With God Bible Study material - Chapter 3 - What God Did in Jesus - Pathway Bible Guides.

Sing, Praise God Through Whom All Blessings Flow, along with Stacey Plays Hymns.

Walking With Truth


She sat on the steps at the park.  Before her was a large manmade lake that was home to some God-made fish and turtles.  She looked out over the water.  A soft breeze caressed her face and a feeling of peacefulness enshrouded her.

She'd brought some breadcrumbs and began to idly throw pieces into the water in hopes of attracting some fish.  Ironically, what those actions did attract was a white egret that came and stood on the step below where she sat.  His feet were in the water.  She could have reached out and touched it but didn't quite dare to follow through with that.  It was best to respect nature even if nature dared to encroach.

Mr. Egrit stood like a statue.  The lady thought it was waiting for some more breadcrumb offerings so threw some its way.  It ignored them but intently watched the water in patient expectancy.  Oh, the lady realized it now but not then.

It took awhile but the fish did  come and in a blurred flash, the egrit snatched that unsuspecting fish right out of the water and gulped it down.

The lady could see the swallow progress right down Mr. Egrit's neck, as if it had broken off more than he could chew - so to speak.  Ahem.  

The lady was stunned.  Never did it cross her mind in these minutes and seconds from breadcrumb drop, to fish appearing to the egrit snatching up the poor fish, that that was what Mr. Egrit had been wading and waiting for all along.  The speed of it all happening rather shocked her and she got upset with Mr. Egret.  What a cruel thief!

He was there under false pretenses.  At least that's what she claimed.  Mr. Egrit had known exactly what he was about and didn't make any apologies, polite or otherwise.

Then she perceived Jesus' presence.  He was out walking on the water again.  He had witnessed her drama with Mr. Egrit and He was laughing in amusement, but not in a mean way.  

Since she couldn't go to Him, He came to her.  After all she'd invited Him to join her.  So He sat beside her on the steps and put His hand on her shoulder in a comforting, reassuring way.  He knew what she was thinking about and gave her the words, false pretenses.  She knew exactly what He was getting at too.

Through no fault of her own, she'd lived much of her life heretofore, like that.  She'd been schooled in it and had become a proficient actress.  "Behave in this proper manner so as not to stumble others nor bring shame to the Lord or to us".  She could hear the words in her head like it was only yesterday.  So she became the best Miss Goody-Two-Shoes that had ever lived.  Oh at least on the outside.

Inside was a whole different kettle of fish.  Rebellious thoughts, wanting to do some damage, like a volcano on the brink of eruption - anger and rage awaited spewing.  All had been suppressed for far too long.

Only in more recent months she'd realized what a fraudulent life she'd been living and had begun to address it.  It hurt then when someone close to her called her a hypocrite.  Oh she became furious and shunned the whistleblower.

As some time passed she did examine herself some more and realized even though he meant it to hurt and put her down and not really listen to her life, he did have a point.

Then, as Jesus sat beside her, hand on her shoulder, He spoke, "I understand.  I was once accused of being a fraud too.  I was mocked.  I understand your deeply hurt feelings".

So she asked Him, "Do You have any plan to help me heal and to overcome the actress modus operandi?"

He responded, "I am Truth.  Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free."  Then He added, "I'll walk with you" (see John 8:32).

It was all so reassuring and she looked forward to this walk with Truth, in greater truth.  Having a spark of hope, she got up and went home, Jesus joining her.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on I A Session #5.

Sing, Walking With Jesus, along with God Still Loves.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Blue Cords and Tassels (Numbers 15:37-41)


"...Make tassels ... and to put a cord of blue on the tassel ... And it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the LORD, to do them, not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to whore after.  So you shall remember and do all my commandments, and be holy to your God..." (Numbers 15:38, 39 and 40).

The tassels on the Israelites' garments were to serve as reminders of all God's commandments.  They would remind them to do them in order to please and honor God, and to be holy before Him.  This was, and still is, the way to follow after God's heart.

Not only did the Israelites have the stone tablets of Ten Commandments, every seven years the whole law was to be read out in the hearing of the public assembly of the whole congregation - men, women and children.  If you had been a baby at the first public reading, you'd hear it all again at ages, 7, 14, 21 and so on.  There would be no excuse for someone to say, "Oh sorry, I didn't know" (see Deutoronmy 31:9-13).

Fathers and mothers were also supposed to teach them to their children when they got up, when they went out and home again, jiggety-jog, or for bedtime stories (see Deuteronomy 11:19).

As if all this were not enough, now the LORD instructed Moses to speak to the people of Israel about making the bluecords and tassels.  They were to be attached to the corners of their garments.  If a child or a foreigner would ask, "what are those tasssels for?"  The wearer of tassels could reply, "So I can remember God's commands and live by them.  So I can be reminded to follow God's heart and not my own way.  So I can be holy as He is holy."

We human beings are so forgetful and prone to following after our own hearts' desires.  You often hear it, "follow your heart" or "what is your heart telling you?" or "you deserve this path..."  If we are believers in Jesus Christ, we honor Him when we follow His heart, ways and will.  Not that we should sew tassels on our clothes, but do you have any specific item that helps remind you to follow the Lord and His heart?

Thankfully we have God's word so we can get to know what is in His heart in the first place.  Then we have the Holy Spirit to remind us of those ways.  These are crucial and the best reminders especially if we have hidden God's word in our hearts so we won't sin against them (see Psalm 119:11).  These are our 'tassels'.

Have you ever heard of promise rings?  They are a semi-engagement form of showing commitment to a relationship with ones' chosen male or female, more-than-just-a-friend, friend.  I never really thought of it before today, but is there something you could make or have that you could bring everywhere with you that would help remind you of your commitment to Jesus Christ and following His heart, something like a ring?

A necklace, ring, a blue cord tassle bookmark or even a small smooth stone in your pocket, could serve as a physical reminder.  That is, if we don't become immune to it, so used to seeing it or feeling it each time your hand went into your pocket.  So long as that object doesn't become a charm or object of worship or pride but only of humble, constant obedient reminder - we will be able to walk in His ways more fully, without neglect, no matter where we go or what we do.  We will be reminded to follow His heart whether alone in our room or among the congregation of believers.

Lord Jesus, You want us to remember You and Your heart so we will, out of love and gratitude to You, following YOUR heart instead of our own.  Those are tall words for us but please help us to walk the talk too.   You want this for our own good.  Thank You for the Lord's Supper or breaking of bread as some call it, You had with Your disciples before You went to the cross.  We have a weekly reminder, to do the same as often as we can.  Help us with Holy Spirit's help and God's word to follow after You and Your will and ways all the days of our lives on earth.

Thank You.  Amen.

                                                      ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 15:37-42 (ESV).

Sing, Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, along with St. Laurence's Church Chorley.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Day of Grace (Numbers 15)

 It seems harsh, cruel and unusual punishment just for collecting firewood on a Sabbath day.  Being stoned to death was not a quick nor as painless as possible way to go!

Why would the LORD command Moses to tell the whole assembly of Israel to do so?  The punishment does not seem equal to the perceived crime.

Collecting firewood on a Sabbath seems such a petty thing.  Obviously, God took a different view.  God is holy and just, and to be obeyed.  After all, the Israelites did agree to the terms of the covenant given to them through Moses.  

God meant business and He was and still is, not to be trifled with.  God looks upon our sin seriously.  There are harsh consequences for rebelliousness and disobedience.  We each need to take warning.

A call to accept salvation through Jesus Christ is a must to avoid the consequences of sin,

"The wages of sin is death ..." (Romans 6:23).

Death, then Hell when there is no repentance.  But when there is repentance,

"...the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

Moses seemed unsure of what God would have them all do in regards to the lawbreaker, wood-collecting man.  In custody, there would have been time for the man to reflect.  He must of known he was in trouble.  He had time to repent.  God is a merciful God.  Was he to be punished by the hands of the people or directly from God?  Moses was unsure.  The answer involved the whole congregation of Israel.

I'm feeling it would have turned my stomach to have had to participate in such a gruesome punishment - throwing stones at someone until they died.  Yet the Israelites had to learn the seriousness of sin, as do we. 

In our own life, in our own churches, is sin allowed to go on unfettered?  Not to go on witch hunts, so to speak, and nitpick, of course!  But the seriousness of false teachers and teaching; of slander, gossip, adultery, unforgiveness and the like needs investigating.  When we read the New Testament letters of Paul, Peter and John, we'll see what they were getting at and warned against.  They didn't do so to bring a man or woman down but to show the purity of the gospel and life of living for Christ.

During the early church times we read of Ananias and Sapphire (see Acts 5:1-11), God dealt with their duplicity in a trice.  They could not deceive the Holy Spirit and so lost their lives immediately at the hands of God.  God was again showing His seriousness in these matters and giving warning to His people.  We do well to take heed.

This may sound like God  is not a very loving and kind God to you.  I too grapple with this some.  I think the key is to see how sin looks through the eyes of God.  He is also a just God.

He is so holy and wants us to be holy too.  However, when there is repentance, God responds to that too, even if we must still bear some of the consequences of our actions.

Think of the example of the incestuous brother in 1 Corinthians 5:1-5.  It was not to destroy him.  It was so that,

"...his spirit [may be] saved on the day of the Lord."

This man had to be put out of the assembly of the believers.  Later, we read of his being reinstated.  He had repented and was brought back (see 2 Corinthians 2:5-11).  This involved the whole assembly who were also admonished to forgive and comfort the man.

This was a happy ending for him.

Yet in many assemblies of believers they seem to want to continue to rake an erring brother or sister over the coals ad infinitum.  They suspect the person still has not repented enough.  I do not know what scale quotient they use.  So on and on goes the vicious cycle of unforgiveness, lack of grace and mercy quite UNlike Christ.

It's a travesty.

No doubt, there needs to be that time of reflection and seeking God's wisdom in each matter and to have the discernment to perceive what the Lord has to say to us.  Like Moses' pause to seek God's will.  Let's be open to hear His voice upon such respective matters.  Let's not overwhelm the repentant ones with excessive sorrow.  After all, we are supposedly living in the Day of Grace.

                                                         ~ERC  may 2024~

Based on Numbers 15:32-36 NIV; Galations 3:10; Deuteronomy 11:25-27 and 30:1, 15, 19.

Sing, Grace is the Sweetest SoundGrace is the Sweetest Sound

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Smile From Jesus

, You know the desires of Your childrens' hearts and You delight to give.

You gave a newborn son a couple of decades ago to the young couple.  The nurse took him and swaddled him and laid him in the hospital bassinet.  Baby Boy was on his side facing his mother.  She gazed upon him.  It appeared that his eyes were open and looking at her.  He gave her a most beautific smile.

Oh, whether that smile was from passing gas or not, how that mother's heart melted, binding in love.  All those nine months and then hours of labor - so worth it.  

So worth it!  What a gift!

The Lord's presence was in the labor and delivery room.  He stood to her left right next to her husband.  He rejoiced and was glad with them.  The joy and gift of a newborn smile - how blessed!

Lord, the sense of Your presence was here with me today too.  Again, you stood to my left and warmed my arm.  You asked,

"What do you want to know?"

"Oh, wow, Lord.  So many things but how about how many spiritual children I will have over my lifetime.  How will they all come about?" that mother, His child, asked.

"Well, you'll have to wait and see," He answered.

O, she felt disappointed but then He continued, 

"I won't tell you the number.  I don't want you to get proud."

"You need to plant seeds."

"Where Lord?" she asked.

"You have done some already," He answered.

"Really?  You mean Sunday School?  My own children"

"Yes," He said.  "And don't forget the booklet.  That 40-Day devotional you wrote.  That's for all the children of the country you live in.  You wrote it and it got translated into the three main languages of that nation."

"Oh, Lord, thank You for saying this! You make me want to cry for thankfulness.  Thank You for the encouragement, Lord."  She gratefully thanked Him.  "Is there anything else you can tell me, Lord?"

And then she perceived she stood at the edge of a giant, as far-as-the-eyes-could-see field, of a ready-to-harvest rice crop.  It was swaying in the light breeze, like a slow dance of delight. 


It was like Jesus was teasing her again, asking her to count it all, if she really wanted to know the number.   And He said,

"I said, 'Wait and see' because such crops take time to grow after they've been planted.  Someone else may water it but I will give the increase" (see 1 Corinthians 3:5-9).

"Yes, Lord.  Thank You." was her humble reply.

The promise gift of harvest was equal to her newborn's smile, only this time it was a smile from Jesus.  It had all been worth it.

                                                  ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on IA Session #4.

Sing, Bringing In the Sheaves, along with Islington Baptist Church.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Book Review - Free Houses in Japan - By Anton Wormann - Publication Date: 6 November 2023

 This DIY challenge 'guidebook' takes quite a comprehensive, step-by-step look at scouting for, purchasing, financing, renovating and more, an akiya - a vacant &/or abandoned house in Japan.  There are apparently a plethora of these and ripe for the picking if you know how.  Anton Wormann, the author, doubles this book as a sort of journal of the 'how-to' and a memoir, with interesting tidbits of how he came about this new hobby.  I liked that Wormann was sensitive to keeping Japanese traditional and cultural design while also bringing these 'old' homes into a more modern era.  Since he is Swedish, he sprinkled some of his Scandinavian flavor into his Free Houses as well.   BTW, the houses are not truly free, rather very cheap if you know how to look for the correct deal, Wormann is quick to inform.  

The book did get somewhat technical for me in places.  However, by reading this book I believe those who would be truly interested in such renovations could be inspired and benefitted greatly should they wish to engage in their own respective, potential purchases of free houses in Japan.  A glossary of terms and of futher useful information such as website helps and of Wormann's own videos of his work, are shared at book's end. 

Overall, I quite enjoyed learning about these houses and of some of the Japanese culture.  And who knew an international model would take to modeling, or should I say remodeling, his own houses.

                                                    ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             June 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on GoodreadsGoodreads.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Book Review - The Spirit of Fatherhood - By Larry Hagner - Publication Date: 28 May 2024

 I would say that The Spirit of Fatherhood would be a great help and encouragment to most sincere, caring Dads.  There are no how-to manuels attached to newborn babies, but if there were, I believe this would be it.  It is very heartfelt and down-to-earth and faith based, written by a Dad to Dads.  Topics range acutely attuned to Dads such as:  prayers, successes in life, comparisons, honest communication, gratitude and so much more.

Author Larry Hagner uses examples from his own life and family relationships as well as from some of the Dads who had impacted him as he went about his ministry to them.  In my opinion, this would make an excellent gift to any Dad at any stage of his fatherhood parenting days of balancing the husband, employee and Dad modes simultaneously.

It's a 5-Star rating from me.

                                          ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           April 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Offering Pleasing Aromas (Numbers 15)


Anyone who is an odd one out will know there are barriers, often as wide as the Great Wall of China, to overcome.  Prejudices and racism can be thick, blatant or subtle.  The battering ram of fortitude must be used with great care and patience before filaments of friendship can begin to crack the fortified wall and develop and eventually blossom into true brotherhood or sistership, even if with just a handfull of those who are not odd.

Foreigners in a foreign land can have such painful experiences after the initial novelty of having you around wears off.  But there is solace.  Even God mentions the leveling ground.  He told Moses,

" and the foreigner shall be the same before the LORD ... The same laws and regulations will apply both to you and to the foreigner residing among you" (Numbers 15:15-16).

The LORD made provision in the act of offering pleasing aromas to Him, whether an animal or a food offering; the same rules would apply.  God is so gracious!  He does not limit anyone.  He is the God who offers salvation to the "whosoever will" (see John 3:16) and then for them to offer praise up to Him.

Whosoever will may come to Him in faith and repentance, in gratitude and thanksgiving, no matter who you might be.  I love that God made such provision and regulations.

As human beings we often forget and want to segregate and divide.  By the time we read all the way from the book of Numbers to the New Testament there was so much segregation when we read of Jesus making His whip to drive out the money changers and folks who had made His house a den of thieves and robbers, there was so much insult to the whosoever, not to mention to God Himself.

The area of the Temple those merchants were using, was the area in which foreigners were supposed to be able to come and pray.  Having that noisy market of corrupt sellers was a snub in the face to God and the odd ones out who wished to worship God.  The religious leaders of the day had created laws and regulations that did not include the foreigners; this to their shame.  It was not pleasing to God nor to Jesus (see Matthew 21:12-13).

What about our houses of prayer in this day and age?  Do we greet and welcome the foreigner in our midst with the same warmth and friendliness as we do the regular local attendees?  Do we create barricades?

Stop.  Consider.  

Act accordingly to rectify if need be.  The good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for one and all who believe.  Teach your children, so the actions of care and acceptance can be perpetuated.

"Throughout the generations to come you are to give this offering to the LORD from the first of your ground meal" (Numbers 15:21 NIV).

Then there will be no need for battering rams.  


Because the offering of welcoming those who are not like you will be a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Numbers 15:1-21 NIV.

Sing, Whosoever Will May Come, along with The N Crew.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Book Review - The House in the Water - By Victoria Darke - Publication Date: 27 May 2024

The blend of some true WWII events and unfolding fiction on an island setting, spooked and spiked with a somewhat nail-biting tale that was mysteriously interconnected, fascinated me, keeping me ever more captivated as I read.  I cannot say that I totally enjoyed it though due to some of the heartbreaking incidents that are angst-producing, keeping the reader on edge and even with a tissue in hand for weep mopping.  The story did keep me coming back for more as the dual time lines and narrations between Ellen of the earlier years and Meredith of the more 'recent' times moved towards each other.  I like the diary idea which helped to bridge the years.  

                                               ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              May 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on GoodreadsGoodreads.

Lord's Day Devotion - Rested and Replenished Souls

 It was morning and the lady was fresh up, oh, maybe about an hour or so fresh up, from a night of sleep.  It reminded her of Jeremiah's good night's rest and God's promise to Him.

"For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.  At  this I awoke and looked and my sleep was pleasant to me" (Jeremiah 31:25-26 ESV).

What a great promise, actually there are two promises mentioned here.  Souls to be satisified and replenished; remarkable.  Jeremiah had this almost instantly, it seems.  He found it pleasant.

No doubt when God gives His loved ones rest and sleep, they are blessed (see Psalm 127:2).  Jeremiah had been doing a lot of lamenting.  He must have been rather tuckered out by it all.  He must have been weary and languishing in his soul.  He got the sleep he needed though and he found it pleasant.

Take this scenario...the lush green ambiance of the rural setting was refreshing and calming.  Yet all was not well on the set. The lady had been doing triage for the Traditional Chinese Medicine man (TCM).  One of the triage questions was to ask how many children each mother had had.  Many of the mothers who came had had anywhere from 5-10 children or more, the average being in the higher range.  Along came a sister, who was no longer so young and who had been listening to all that accounting, and the lady asked her, "How many children have you had?"  Sorrowfully and ashamedly, head hanging down, softly replied, "One."  The lady could see this sister was sad, her soul languishing.  Oh the anguish of her soul.

The lady herself had had her own sister's husband suddenly leave this world to be with Christ.  That is good for him, but those of us left behind, are grieving.   

No doubt in our times of grief and other emotional uprisings, or even in our day-to-day dealings and disappointments, our souls can become weary and languished.    

And the lady, still sitting at triage, asked Jesus where He was in all this.  "Jesus, please reveal Yourself, where are You in this time.  Please help me to perceive you," she invited.

She wanted input.  She wanted to thank the Lord that they could hide themselves in Him and find shelter and rest, not just from their fears, cares and sorrows but also from their exhaustion (see Psalm 32:7-10).

It was then that she saw Jesus sitting across from her at that picnic-like table.  He was shining with bright light.  He exuded care and compassion.  He addressed the grief of loss to both the sister whose loss was lack of more children and the lady's grieving of her sister's loss. Much of this grief was silent; not many others perceived it.  It had been kept in the heart and soul.  But Jesus came.  He said, "I know grief.  I'll be Your hiding place and comforter.  Tell me all about it.  I'm in the comforting business whether it is a small or great loss."

Know this, Jesus is our hiding place and comfort zone.  No one understands our troubles and grief like He does, so the lady who was half a world away from her sister and who felt so bereft and sorrowful that she couldn't comfort her sister in a literal hands-on sense, felt some consolation.

Jesus reminded the lady, "Remember the parents who lost their 12 year old daughter?  They suffered the untold grief of losing a child.  I stepped in saying, 'Damsel arise'.  Do you see the untold measure of rest and replenishing to the parents' souls this brought (see Mark 5:21-24)?

"What's more," Jesus continued, "the siblings Mary and Martha who grieved the loss of their brother Lazarus.  I went to the grave commanding, 'Lazarus, come forth'.  Can you see the solace they had!"

"How about the widow of Nain?  She lost her only son to death.  She was bereft in more than one way.  I halted the funeral.  Who does that?" He asked the lady.  "I told the one in the coffin, 'Young man, I say to you, arise...'  And he did."

"Fear seized the people but oh, how the mother's heart must have found rest and replenishing, hope renewed even in her astonishemnt (see Luke 7:11-17)," Jesus reminded the lady.

Jesus showed the lady something else, "See I can comfort BIG time.  I can comfort you, your sister who is so far away and the sister sitting next to me at this table.  You can't speak her language but you can connect with your eyes, reach out and hold her hand.  I can speak to her heart in her own language.  It's ok."

"Hide in me," He said, "She can hide in me.  All the loss and lack, come tell me, I know about silent grief.  I know about grief that's been unabled to share with  other human beings.  No-one understands quiet like I do. "

"In the Garden of Gethsemane, in those last hours before My arrest, it was My talk and grief, just with my Father and Myself.  The disciples were too sleepy.  They couldn't grasp it all.  My Father  was my hiding place.  I am yours."

The lady's tears flowed then and she told Him about her sister and her loss again, asking, "Comfort her too, Lord.  Surround her with Your loving presence.  I can't reach out and hug her but You can.  Thank-You Jesus, I appreciate You for Your omnipresence which allows it.  Amen."

"Jesus, because of Your great love that sent You to the cross, we give You our thanks and praise as we partake of the bread and drink of the cup of wine on any given Lord's Day.  Without this sacrifice, Your death and resurrection, we would not realize that You are the Resurrection and the Life.  Our weary souls would not be able to find rest.  Our languishing souls would not be replenished and our great losses of life could not be comforted.  You would not be our hiding place where we could find Your understanding presence.  Thank You for Your promises.  Hold our hands, be ever with us.  Thank You for being with us, being our Solace, Rest, our Replenisher and making our sleep pleasant.

                                                          ~ERC  May 2024`

Based on Jeremiah 31:25-26 (ESV); Psalm 32:7-10 and IA Session #7.

Sing, You Are My Hiding Place, along with SELAH.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Pat on the Head (Numbers 14)

 The Israelites

 "mourned bitterly" 

and so did Judas Iscariot (see Numbers 14:39 and Matthew 27:3 & 10).

Do you?

When we've been rebellious or have betrayed someone or have committed some other acts against the Lord or even against others, are we repentant or are we remorseful?

Repentance is sincere and shows freedom from regret.  One transforms to a postitive change in behavior that is healthy and helpful to ones self and others.  One's heart becomes obedient to the Lord and ready to listen to Him.

Remorse, on the other hand, is full of regret.  Your actions didn't turn out the way you thought they would and someone was harmed.  Or, you were caught doing something and must suffer consequences and therefore there's a show of surface sorriness.  There is no real change in behavior and one is not obedient nor ready to listen to the Lord's instruction.  This is often when self-punishmenst and penance raises its stubborn head.

For Judas Iscariot, he went and hanged himself.  He did not seek the Lord's forgiveness in repentance.  By contrast Peter wept bitterly after he denied he knew Jesus but later he was restored and worked mightily for the Lord in preaching the Gospel.  Many came to Christ though him.  Peter had had a pivotal encounter with Jesus because he had been truly sorry and repentant (see John 21:15-17).

The Israelites in Numbers 14 were remorseful for their grumbling and ungratefulness which had cost the lives of many.  Their next actions showed this to be so.  They willfully went to do battle despite Moses' warnings that the Lord would not be with them.  Their self-inflicted penance-punishment cost them more lives and humiliation before the surrounding nations and people groups.

The term used in Numbers 14:44 is presumption.  They presumed, since they were doing penance, God would pat them on the head and say, 

"There, there, what good little children".  

They had to learn yet another painful lesson.

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, let's take warning from these incidents.  Let's not confuse ourselves nor be presumptious before God.  He knows what is truly in our hearts.  If we are not sure ourselves, seek Him and His answers.  Listen obediently, humbly and willingly to what He has to say.  Then go forth as Peter did and do many mighty works for the Lord in the name of Jesus and with our Heavenly Father's blessing.  This is what He'll pat us on the head for.  

Let us have no regrets.

                                                     ~ ERC  April 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 14:39-45 NIV.

Sing, Repent (What a Joy It Is), along with Mitch Wong.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Master Strokes

 They got there slightly early and strolled along the beach.  The young adults had brought their frisbee and flung it at each other while the husband took a few pictures.

The big orange sun orb began to set and the beachgoers began to ooh and aah, phone cameras clicking.  The awsome autumn, auburn colors stretched across the sky in great stunning splendor.

It was like Jesus' arm, paintbrush in hand, had reached down from Heaven, and punched through the puffy white clouds to paint the sky, His canvas.  So He painted and the people appreciated this wonder of His creation, although they may not all have attributed it to Him.

Then it was, that Jesus turned His head to look behind Him at the wife, amused expression on His face and as if He was asking, "Good, isn't it?  Do you like it?'  It was like He was very pleased with His work and wanted to share the moment with everyone but it was she who was looking for Him and so they connected.  She nodded her head in cherished admiration.

Then there was that moment of revelation, Jesus is fully God and fully man!

Of course she knew that in her head already.  But His action of turning to look and ask for her seal of "well done!" was a very human-like behavior, like wanting that pat on the back.

The woman was amused.  She grinned at Him.  Yes, this was Jesus, the Master Painter, the perfect man who was also God.  In Him she could fully realize her expectations.  He would not let her down.

Only people who are fully human like sons and a husband can never fully live up to the mother and wife's expectations.  She should realize this, again, she did in her head but...this was an epiphany.

Later, the sky became navy blue, a beam of moonlight cascaded down and lit the sparkling and rippling waters.  One beam made a beeline for shore where she stood.

All the other people dissolved in encroaching night and it was just her and Jesus in communion.  His presence invited her to,

"Come to [Him], all who labored and were heavy laden.  [He'd] give her rest" (see Matthew 11:28-30). 

 And He did, lessening the hurt and burden.  She felt lighter and rested.

As she walked with her family back to the car, the gentle lap of waves spoke their peace and assurance into her ears that Jesus was going Home with them too.

He needed to finish painting the tapestry of their lives....

                                                    ~ERC  April 2024 ~

Sing, Come Jesus Come, We've Been Waiting so Long, along with Stephen McWhirter.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Book Review - A New Doctor at Orchard Cottage Hospital - By Lizzie Lane - Publication Date: 23 May 2024

This has been a really enjoyable book for me as a few elements pulled together to make it what it is.  The struggle of women post the suffragettes gaining the vote for them, and their moving into positions zealously guarded by men, such as doctors like Dr. Frances Brainspeare.  The general struggles post WWI and dealing with the fallout of lost loved ones and/or maimed loved ones.  A sprig of romance added flavor to the small town setting and these worked out satisfactorily to my way of thinking as women championed women, some of whom had gained male applause.  The sprinkle of humor was the clincher for me right there alongside the author's wonderful way with words.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              May 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Book Review - Kid's Field Guide to Birds - Daisy Yuhas - Publication Date: 21 May 2024

 Excellent children's book about birding and guidance on ways to identify the various bird species.  There are short but sweet sections about the individual birds but also those of similar species are given some notice.  There is some advice offered such as being patient to spot the birds and also suggested activities a young birder could try, to enrich their bird-watching experiences.  

Included color photographs of many birds enhance this educational reading exposure.   The book is arranged to the different types of birds one would encounter in a wide range of landscape, for example, desert, wetlands, city, forests and more.  A glossary furthers the learning for related bird-watching terms such as:  camouflage, nocturnal and raptors among others.  

All in all, I find this to be a fairly comprehensive read for a young reader to discover and/or along with his or her parent or guardian.

A 5-Star rating from me.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            April 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads Goodreads.

Fame & Power (Numbers 14)

 How many people have looked up to the skies, shaking a fist in anger, bitterness and contempt at God?  This is more or less what the Israelites had done.

When Moses asked God to forgive this grave sin, God told Moses He would on one condition, that not a single one of those disgruntled, hostile complainers would see the Promised Land they so wished for.  He said,

"No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it" (Numbers 14:23 NIV).

This last episode had been the last straw for God.  He'd forgiven them ten times already but for this one the consequences would be the ultimate.

Moses had done some serious intercession for these Israelites.  He didn't have to.  Fame and power could have been full-fledged for him.  The LORD had made him an offer most men would not have turned down.

The LORD offered to totally disinherit and wipe out these unthankful Israelites and then start a new nation with Moses and his descendants that would be,

"greater and mightier than they" (vs 12).

Meek man Moses seemed to have been totally deaf to that.  He didn't even hesitate, rather he launched into his pleas on the Israelites' behalf.  He reached out to the LORD, protecting His reputation and name, telling Him, He was the great one and to let His power and fame be the ones to shine out.

Moses appealed to the LORD's attributes of being

 "slow to anger and abounding in love" (vs 18) 

and according to that measure of love, to forgive these guilty people, just as He had been doing since they'd left Egypt.  In this Moses asked the LORD to let His strength to be displayed, not just among the Israelites but as a witness to the surrounding nations who had eagle eyes trained on the Israelites, watching their progress, or lack thereof, looking for weaknesses to exploit.

What are the 'gifts' God has given us?  Are we despising them?  The best gift He's given is Jesus the perfect one.  Jesus who earned salvation for mankind.  He holds it out on offer for one and all to receive.  Will we shake our fists in contempt at Him?

Remember all the way the Lord has led you since you came out of Egypt - so to speak.  That is, since you may have already accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, how has He helped you? Maybe the help isn't the way we wanted it, but it is His way that is best for us.  Do we hold this way in contempt?

It is good to repent of it.  We have a forgiving Father but we may suffer consequences of our rebellion and contempt as did the Israelites.  I'm not so sure He'll strike you dead in the wilderness but He will do that which will  show His glory, presence and influence through the Holy Spirit in your life.

If it takes a painful process, know that He is still abounding in steadfast love for us, for you.  Let's let His fame and power be on display through our lives.  Let's be more like Moses, Caleb and Joshua - people who let the LORD use them in mighty ways.  They were men who feared God and were of great valor, integrity, and humble before the Lord.  Let's work like this too with our Lord on behalf of others until He comes.

                                                         ~ ERC  April 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 14.

Sing, The Steadfast Love of the Lord, along with St. Georges' Church.