Saturday, June 15, 2019

Father's Support - Father's Day 2019

Father & Sons
Dad's been gone now for about a year and a half so the idea of Father's Day is a little painful.  I do, however, still have a father-in-law, who's a right decent and jolly chap.  No doubt we'll have a family hoo-ha celebration of all fathers in his generational down-line; my husband among them.  A nice home commemoration to honor fatherhood in general and their fatherhood in particular.  Many, the world over, will.

In this niche of the world there will be extra special dishes prepared, special drinks to slurp and deserts to devour; namely,  The Father's Day Cake.  One of the fathers in the clan has a daughter who bakes marvelous cakes.  She often brings samples of 'new' recipes for us all to taste test.  Likely she'll present one at this 'event'.  (Check out Home Baker if you are in town.)  Lots of food fit for our "kings".  

Fathers. Food. Fun. Family.

Like I said though, not everyone still has their Dad.  Some folks don't even know who their Dads are.  Some do know, but their Dad's have taken off, maybe even to start a new family.  This is heartbreaking!

No doubt it breaks the heart of God, our Heavenly Father, too.  Our Heavenly Father does care about each one of us and He hurts when His "earthly" counter-part examples fail.  We know He never fails (Zephaniah 3;5) and that He will,

"...never leave you or forsake you" (Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5).

This assurance is reiterated multiple times throughout Scripture.

God is a Father Who is, and always will be, with you.  He cares about you and loves you.  He is the same, 

"...yesterday and today and forever"  (Hebrews 13:8).

Our Heavenly Father is Someone we can revere and honor.  Jesus taught His disciples to pray, and He began,

"Father..." (Luke 11:2-4 ESV)

Our hearts can cry out to Him,

 "Abba!   Father!" (Galatians 4:6).

This is a direct and intimate way children of God can address their Father, God.  "Abba"

apparently stems from the Aramaic language and means "Daddy" or "Papa".  "Abba's " ear is always open to our call.

In Sunday School we have been taught God's "phone number":  Jeremiah 33:3 (DIAL 333) [ESV]...

"Call to Me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known."

Communion with our Great God and Father!  Almighty God and Creator of heaven, earth and the seas and all that are in them.  He will focus on us.  We can focus on Him as often and for as long as we wish:  all the attention you could ever possibly imagine.  Focus on Abba, Father.

We should never forget, however, that because our Heavenly Father is God, Jesus went on and taught His disciples to say,

"...hallowed be Your Name..." (Luke 11:2 ESV).

Don't be flippant with your Father.  We learn from Psalm 111:9 KJV that God's Name is,

"...holy and reverend..."

He is an awesome God and Father and when we speak to Him, we must remember Who He is even when we call Him, "Abba" or "Daddy, God" or "Papa".  Most of us exhibit similar respect for our earthly fathers with whom we speak.

God our Heavenly Father is needed at all times, even as grown adults, we need Him.  This is true in the earthly sense, to a certain extent, I believe.  It's comforting to know the support of your father is there to rely on if and when the need arises.  He's there.  Until he's not.

Father's age, become ill, can no longer communicate relevantly or with ability, and they they are  truly, physically, no more.  Your support is gone...Have no regrets in the here and now.  Keep connection with your Dads as long as ever you can.

Fathers, you are IMPORTANT in the life of your sons and daughters.  You are often sidelined, I've noted.  May you be encouraged to be ever pro-active, and interested in your offsprings' lives.  Take hold of your rightful role and enjoy, 'being' with them.  Your support (NOT just from your wallet) is sorely needed.

We cannot do without our Heavenly Father either.  Always turn to Him.  He's there for you.  As you do so, may you all, both fathers and children, have the best Father's Day ever!

                                                         ~ERC  June 2019~

P.S.  I believe that Grandfather's have a special role too.  Go for it...😀

Here's an absolutely stunning rendition by Andrea Bocelli - The Lord's Prayer


  1. Hi, I read your message to Michael Smith in Hearts & Humor today, in which you gave your blog address, so decided to check it out. This article on fathers is great since it speaks with much truth about God, our Heavenly Father. Your baby daughter was a beautiful child. I'm so sorry she did not live but 15 months. I lost a young child, too. At age 13 years, our youngest child (youngest of three children) was killed while playing with a loaded gun with three other boys his age. You are so right ... that kind of heartache never goes away completely.
    May you continue to find solace, strength, hope, peace and comfort in Jesus Christ as you focus on Him.
    In His grip,

  2. Thank-you so much for your care and concern. My husband and I do continue to find our solace in our loving Heavenly Father, for sure. Even today, the anniversary of her Homegoing so many years ago, we think of the joys we had with our daughter and then of the greater joys she herself must be enjoying above. Our great assured hope is that we will one day go to be with her in God's good timing.
