Sunday, April 7, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - Thank God For His Righteousness

Merrily we go along, go along, doing okay, we think to ourselves, believing we are making some progress in spiritual growth, maturity and in what some like to call, progressive sanctification.  We're doing pretty good.

Then, WHAM-O!  We lose our temper, say some hurtful or foul words, or have some very unholy thoughts skitter across, or even lodge in, our minds.  All our belief of progress shattered to pieces.

Ever feel like that!?  

Then it's down on ourselves with discouragement and kicking ourselves, "Why, oh why!!!???"

Those of us who know Jesus Christ as Savior certainly have this struggle.  We are still human and have that soul that still wants to exert its own mind, will and emotions even though we have the Holy Spirit of God indwelling our spirit.  

We forget that we have the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit's ever ready and willing help at our disposal.  We forget to rely on the Lord, focusing instead on what we consider "achievement".

We need to confess (1 John 1:9) our failings and feelings to the Lord and seek His help to overcome.

Praise God, though!  He is our Rock and Fortress.  The Psalmist David has that as a reoccurring theme in many of his writings.  A Rock.  A Fortress.  Strength.  Unmovable.  Protection.  Take each of those metaphors and meditate upon how they characterize our God and in relation to how He helps us.

I like the musings of Psalm 92:15, which incidentally, according to the caption of my downloaded ESV, records that this is a "song for the Sabbath".  The Jewish holy day.  We can appropriate that for ourselves any day of the week and especially on Lord's Day.  Here's how it reads,

" declare that the LORD is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him."

The idea that our Heavenly Father, God, has absolutely NO UNRIGHTEOUSNESS in Him makes one step back and ponder.

Link that surety with what He did for us through Jesus Christ's death on the cross and subsequent resurrection three days later.  He provided a way of atonement and pardon for all of our unrighteousness. 

What a colossal contrast!!  He who was/is without a single iota of sin and unrighteousness took all of ours upon Himself and paid the price with His life and then God imputed His righteousness upon His children!

Try to fathom that!!

We become speechless in His presence.  How awesome and mighty is our great, loving and merciful God!

Don't be mute for too long.  BURST out in praise and gratitude for God our Rock and Redeemer; our Fortress and Deliverer!

In God's sight we are made righteous; that's known as justification.  That's God's sovereign part.  Our part in the equation, of course, is NOT to earn righteousness to gain salvation, as that's impossible, but to live in gratitude, a life of progressive sanctification holiness.  Live to become more Christ-like; others will take notice. 

God's Word in 1 Peter 1:16 (ESV) exhorts,

"You shall be holy, for I am holy"

Our character, as children of God and followers of Jesus Christ, should exemplify Him.  Remind yourself of all this.  Let it melt and cheer your heart each Lord's Day as we remember what Jesus Christ has done for us.  As we partake of the bread and cup of wine, symbols of His overwhelming selfless sacrifice for us, worship and adore Him for His righteousness and that which He has imputed to us (Romans 3:21-26; 10:3; Philippians 3:9; 2 Corinthians 5:21 and 1 Corinthians 1:30-31 ESV).

This is "solid ground" we can count upon despite the ups and downs in our journey of life.  Then we can truly be merry hearts. 

                                                         ~ERC  5 April 2019~

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