Friday, January 11, 2019

Moments With Mom

We were 1/2 a world apart, physically, but in touch, verbally-so to speak; thanks to modern technology and that something called 'Messenger'.  Half a world also meant 1/2 a day's time difference so we'd have to catch each other at that certain sync'ed hour.  We valued that time even if it was only for 5 minutes at a chat time.  We could do this daily, and at times morning and evening.

BUT...then the snatched moments would slip; perhaps, miss a day or two here and there, eventually petering out to maybe once a week, or every other week, to not at all....

Cuz, Mom was not well but is now conversing with her Lord and Savior in Heaven.  I do not begrudge her that communion at all.  However, I do miss her and those times of connection.

Tonight, I can't sleep.  I've talked to my heavenly Father, God, oh maybe for 1/2 an hour or more.  That was nice.  It dawned on me, I can talk with Him ever as much as I could with Mom.  In fact, He is ever able to hear and listen to me and that without ever having to sync our timing or utilize technology.

"Call to Me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known."  (Jeremiah 33:3 ESV).

I'm grateful for that.  He'll hear, listen to and answer you too.

Catch the moments.

                                               ~ERC  January 2019~

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