Saturday, November 17, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - Pleasing God

Parents love it when their children do what is right;  it pleases them.  No less for God our Almighty Heavenly Father...when His children walk in and according to the dynamic power of His Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, they please Him.  

If you look up Romans 8:8-11 (ESV) you will see that.  Focus on verses 8 & 9 for the moment,

"Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.  You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you.  Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him."

Those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ because we have accepted His salvation which came through His death and resurrection atonement, buying pardon for our sins, are given the Holy Spirit of God to indwell us for the purpose of leading, guiding us into all truth and walking in His ways, and comforting us.  We were not left to do what's right in God's eyes without His help to flounder unsuccessfully for ourselves.

No we were given His Holy Spirit so that we have His resurrection power and strength to do what is right and in so doing, to please Him; to make our loving, Heavenly Father happy.  Of course we do not do this to make Him love us more or to twist His arm to do for us whatever we desire, but out of our love and gratitude for Him we live according to His will and way for us.  We love, serve and worship Him in thankful commitment to Him.

As we come before Him, together as His family, on Lord's Day, to remember what Jesus Christ has done for us, let us thank Him for His Holy Spirit Who helps us to please God.  Thank Him too for His righteousness, and the life He has given through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit.   Let us partake of the bread and cup of wine in gratitude and thanksgiving.  

Best of all, in God's eyes, I believe, is when we please Him by being obedient to Him because we have followed the Holy Spirit's leading.  

Please God.

Sing Come to the Table of Mercy

                                                        ~ERC  November 2018~ 

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