Monday, December 11, 2017

Stay On His Altar

About so it hurts.  They say if it doesn't hurt its not sacrifice.  God gave His all in Jesus and that cost Him dearly.  Costly grace.

The thought came as I was reading Romans 12:1 what a sacrifice it is to actually live out purity in this day and age; "presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice".

It's so easy to start with one little kiss. One little kiss can ignite great flames of passion.

Keeping marriage pure may well be a sacrifice for some.  Forsaking all others for your "one and only".  Ironically, that should be more of a pleasure and honor.

I'd encourage young people especially, in this type of sacrifice, to honor God with their bodies.

Christian young people (but marrieds too), your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Living God.  STOP!  Consider that a minute.  You, your body, is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).  When we can get a grip on this miraculous phenomenon, there's a lot more we will do and not do in the way of honoring God our ever-loving Heavenly Father.

Out of that reciprocal love, honor and respect, the sacrifices we make will no longer be so burdensome or painful; rather that out-pouring of "holy and acceptable to God....spiritual worship" (ESV).  In turn will be the blessing of a guided life into the purity God so desires for us all.

Romans 12:2 commands,

"Do not be conformed to this world..."

This world throws out and tramples all that "holy, holy stuff".

When the rubber hits the road of conforming to Christ instead of the world, that will truly be sacrifice.  It may cost you friendship with that handsome boy or sweet girl; or friendships with others who do not see it God's way; you may be scoffed at and/or humiliated.  That's part of the price of sacrifice.

Romans 12:1 calls it a "living sacrifice".  If you put a live animal on an altar, do you suppose it will stay there? When things start to get hot, it definitely won't.  Thus, it is a choice to stay up there (metaphorically speaking) and live God's way.

Praise the Lord we do not have to do it alone though.  Christians, we each have the Holy Spirit indwelling us.  Recall one of the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-24; "self-control". 

I really like what I read from another devotional about the Ministry of the Holy Spirit written by Julie Gossack (produced by Crossway [a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers]).  Gossack said...

"Self-control...which is often translated "sober," is a sober-mindedness that gives thought before acting.  Self-control, which is produced by the Holy Spirit, gives way to godly desires rather than sinful desires.  A person with self-control looks to future and eternal realities rather than indulging immediate sinful impulses."

We do not have to do this kind of daily sacrificing on our own.  We can work in tandem with the Lord's help.  Yet we need to make that choice to allow Him to work in us.\

Recently a preacher gave the illustration of getting into your vehicle and putting the key in the ignition but not turning the key to start the car.  You've got the key; you've got to "turn it on".  Actually not "it" but HIM.  We have the Holy Spirit indwelling, we need to allow Him to work.

Some folks call it "exercising the Spirit".  Yes, we need to let Him get some exercise; the more we do, the greater He can influence our lives for good.  Stay on His altar as a "living sacrifice" in all areas of our life and certainly in the area of purity.  Keep yourselves pure for your spouse no matter the cost.  It is "good...acceptable and perfect" in God's sight.

A further Bible verse to ponder from Galatians...

"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."  (Galatians 5:20 NIV)

May you each, "by God's mercies and grace", be a "living sacrifice" for Him.

Stay on His altar.

                                     ~ERC  December 2017~

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