Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Morning Musings-Stingy or Generous?

Morning Musings With the Boys at Breakfast....

Just a few questions pop into my mind after reading 1 Corinthians 16:1-4.  Questions such as:  Are we being stingy or generous in giving?  Are we cheerful when giving?  Are we giving in keeping with our income and means?    

Now, I'm talking to my boys who don't earn much of anything at this point in time but there's giving of $$ and cents and there's giving of time, and energy and the like.  The principles are the same.  In 2 Corinthians 8:10 it says to give but also with the desire to do so with willingness.  These verses are quite literally dealing with the $$ and cents aspect.  However, when you look at 2 Cor 8:5, you'll see the Corinthians gave themselves first and foremost; this was their mindset and attitude, from there the monetary gifts would follow.  

The spiritual gifts were used too without any withholding and in keeping with how Jesus told those who asked Him on the subject; "what belongs to God, give to God and what belongs to Caesar, give to Caesar.  Similarly, that which belongs to our family we give to our family.  

This could mean our immediate family but also to those of God's family as we see the needs arise.  God Himself was all out generous with us in sending His one and only Son Jesus to earth;  even to the sacrifice of death upon the cross to earn salvation for any and all who wish it.  Jesus is our Supreme example in giving.

So let us "set aside a sum of money in keeping with our income" so we have something to give at a moment's notice and so that our attitudes can be ongoing in generosity, and in cheerfulness. Make those gifts acceptable by giving according to your means, not to what you do not have.  Decide to give.  Decide how much to give, not sparingly, and give cheerfully.

The key is willingness to give.  Let us reach others with that same limitless grace of giving, that God in His act of grace, reached and gave to us.  Let us excel in the grace of giving.

"Oh, Lord, help!  Thank you for your Holy Spirit's help.  Give me that willing, generous heart and mindset and attitude.  Amen.

Happy giving everybody!

                                                               ~ERC  2015~

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