Friday, June 14, 2024

Book Review - A Vicious Machination - By Lynn Messina - Publication Date: 28 June 2024

 Although I found the narrative a slow start with all the many introductions of the characacters' whose who, the logjam eventually began to flow.  It became rather amusing to the point of outright laughter for me, and then the lure of curiostiy took over for figuring out the emeshing plethora of potential murderer culprits.  Be sure to hold your breath for Miss Verity Clark.

Once again, the reader will meet Beatrice Hyde-Clare, aka, The Duchess Kesgrave, with her fine detecting skills, accompanied by her loving Duke husband, who together, work out all the intricacies.  As this is Book XII in the Beatrice Hyde-Clare Mysteries series, the reader will also meet other familiar personages from previous books.  All-in-all, I found this mystery to be satisfactory, good clean fun.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             June 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads. Goodreads.

Book Review - What We Hide - By Colleen Coble - Publication Date: 2 July 2024

There is cause for excitement and suspense as one flips through the pages of What We Hide.  Mystery, murder, missing artifacts, alleged smuggling and such keep the reader curious.  Secrets and surprizes also await the reader.  I liked that there was mention of God and some other faith-based mentions such as forgiveness.  Those who have lost a young child will be able to commiserate with Hez and Savannah's heartache and the aftermath fallout.  Somehow or another they plowed through and things get solved but then, was there still something hidden?  In my opinion, other readers may well be left hanging on that cliff as was I.  Very clever 'ending'.

                                               ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                 May 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

About Refusing God (Hebrews 12:14-17, 25)

 It can be a serious matter to refuse to see a doctor when something appears to be very wrong with our health.  Remember the adage,

"A stitch in time saves nine"?

It's best to be sooner rather than later when it comes to our health too.

There is an even more serious matter however, that's when we refuse to listen to and obey God.  There is warning in God's Word against such refusals.

The original Israelites with their Tabernacle, walked around in the desert for 40 long years until all those people 20 years old and older had died.  Why?  It was because they had refused to accept God's gift of the Promised Land after He'd helped them escape from Egypt.  They hadn't trusted Him to see them through when the going got tough.

God wants us to 

"make every effort to live at peace with all men and to be holy" (vs 14).  

If we refuse to be holy, we won't see the Lord who is 100% holy.  If we get so angry at someone like if they'd damaged something that had been precious to us and that person refuses to forgive the one who wronged them, this 'victim' can become bitter and cause to hurt the other person back.

God's Word says, 

"...forgive one another" (Colossians 3:13).

We need to be obedient to God as that is part of being holy and living at peace with others.

What's more, the most important thing is to NOT refuse to enter the unshakeable kingdom of God.  Accept Jesus, Your sacrifice through faith in Him and become His follower today.

To refuse will cause ourselves big trouble.  Do not refuse to obey God.

Father God, I'm sorry for all the times I've refused to obey You and Your Word.  Give me an obediently softened heart to do Your will.  Thank You for salvation and Your Holy Spirit who helps me.  

In Jesus my living hope's name I ask, amen.

                                                  ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on Hebrews 12:14-17, 25 and Luke 11:2-4.

Sing, Goodness of God, along with Ce Ce Williams.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Book Review - Bitter and Sweet - By Rhonda McKnight - Publication Date: 11 June 2024

 This is certainly a well named book.  There is much bittersweetness within its pages and very real depiction of life's sorrows, jolts and joys.  Women made strong thereby get through with help from God, each other and therapy. Themes laced throughout touched on prejudice, forgiveness and reconcilation.  There's cautionary input regarding the wiles and lure of some men but also of decent manhood.  

I loved the two-pronged timelines of the main protagonists, two sisters who were the great-great granddaughters of Tabitha who struggled but overcame.  The parallel-like lives of the two different generations is notable, endearing and helpful to the younger women.  Despite the bitterness there were the lovely good, tender and sweet times which gave balance to the emotions as one read through the saga.

I also liked the down-home feel and the input about the Gullah people group, which lent further character to the book with its lingo, recipes and community way of life.   I had never heard of the Gullah folks before so this was of interest to me.  

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and found it to be a good satisfying read.

A 5-Star rating from me.

                                             ~Eunice C.  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              March 2024

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary review copy of this book from Net Galley and the publisher.  Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Read review on Goodreads.

God's Discipline (Hebrews 12)


Consequences follow whatever we do sooner or later.  Whether for good or bad deeds there is a day of justice, so to speak.  There will be discipline and punishment so we can hopefully learn our lesson.

In our own family and in the family of God, there are consequences to our actions.  If we say we belong to Him, then we are in God's family and God our Heavenly Father will deal with us out of His tender loving care and mercies.

Since He disciplines us for our good we will need to endure whatever hardship.  We need to persevere and learn whatever lesson He is teaching us.

It's not like He is a taskmaster or that all our hardship is because we have done wrong though.  Some of it is to help train us to show us the right way that pleases God, so we will go in the way we should go.

If a person wants to have a fit, buff body, he will exercise, body build and eat healthy meals.  Bit by bit the body shapes up.  In God's invisible, unshakeable kingdom, He wants us to train our behavior to become more obedient, patient and to have greater faith in Him.

Reading God's Word and obeying His will, will help strengthen our relationship with Him.  It helps us become more holy like He is.  In so doing our spiritual bodies will be more fit with righteousness, peace and healing.

Accept God's discipline, letting it train you to be more holy.  Think about it.  Do it.

Heavenly Father, I'm Your child and I know it doesn't feel good to be disciplined but do realize it's for my own good.  Thank You for what You are doing in my life even when it is difficult.

In Jesus' name I give You my thanks.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on Hebrews 12:1-12 (NIV).

Sing, In Control, along with Hillsong.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Mercy and Justice


God is so amazing.  He was able to demonstrate mercy and justice all in the same act of propitiation through Jesus Christ.  How was this possible?  

Take mercy with the simplified definition of "not getting what you deserve".  Each of us human beings have sinned and therefore fall short of the glory of God (see Romans 3:23).  But the wages of our sin is death and therefore the object of God's wrath.  Jesus took that wrath upon himself because He is human and God, so our Heavenly Father's wrath could be assuaged through Him.  We did not get what we deserved because Jesus took the punishment for our sins instead.

Justice - fairness, and just behavior and treatment was also demonstrated to us through the gift and offering of Jesus being our propitiation.  All of us fall short of the glory of God.  None of us could work enough good deeds to earn our salvation or to assuage God's wrath.

God did not ignore our sin, no, those of us who accept the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, through faith in Him, can have this justice.  Jesus perfectly and completely fulfilled the requirements for giving us mercy and justice all rolled into one great act of grace.

No, not one of us could ever have done such a thing no matter how many good deeds we could do, to become right with God and hopefully attain salvation and appeasement for our sins.

Praise the Lord as you partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine this Lord's Day for all He has done for you.  

Thank You, Jesus!

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Romans 3:20-26 ESV and Gordon Cheng's Peace With God Bible Study material - Chapter 3 - What God Did in Jesus - Pathway Bible Guides.

Sing, Praise God Through Whom All Blessings Flow, along with Stacey Plays Hymns.

Walking With Truth


She sat on the steps at the park.  Before her was a large manmade lake that was home to some God-made fish and turtles.  She looked out over the water.  A soft breeze caressed her face and a feeling of peacefulness enshrouded her.

She'd brought some breadcrumbs and began to idly throw pieces into the water in hopes of attracting some fish.  Ironically, what those actions did attract was a white egret that came and stood on the step below where she sat.  His feet were in the water.  She could have reached out and touched it but didn't quite dare to follow through with that.  It was best to respect nature even if nature dared to encroach.

Mr. Egrit stood like a statue.  The lady thought it was waiting for some more breadcrumb offerings so threw some its way.  It ignored them but intently watched the water in patient expectancy.  Oh, the lady realized it now but not then.

It took awhile but the fish did  come and in a blurred flash, the egrit snatched that unsuspecting fish right out of the water and gulped it down.

The lady could see the swallow progress right down Mr. Egrit's neck, as if it had broken off more than he could chew - so to speak.  Ahem.  

The lady was stunned.  Never did it cross her mind in these minutes and seconds from breadcrumb drop, to fish appearing to the egrit snatching up the poor fish, that that was what Mr. Egrit had been wading and waiting for all along.  The speed of it all happening rather shocked her and she got upset with Mr. Egret.  What a cruel thief!

He was there under false pretenses.  At least that's what she claimed.  Mr. Egrit had known exactly what he was about and didn't make any apologies, polite or otherwise.

Then she perceived Jesus' presence.  He was out walking on the water again.  He had witnessed her drama with Mr. Egrit and He was laughing in amusement, but not in a mean way.  

Since she couldn't go to Him, He came to her.  After all she'd invited Him to join her.  So He sat beside her on the steps and put His hand on her shoulder in a comforting, reassuring way.  He knew what she was thinking about and gave her the words, false pretenses.  She knew exactly what He was getting at too.

Through no fault of her own, she'd lived much of her life heretofore, like that.  She'd been schooled in it and had become a proficient actress.  "Behave in this proper manner so as not to stumble others nor bring shame to the Lord or to us".  She could hear the words in her head like it was only yesterday.  So she became the best Miss Goody-Two-Shoes that had ever lived.  Oh at least on the outside.

Inside was a whole different kettle of fish.  Rebellious thoughts, wanting to do some damage, like a volcano on the brink of eruption - anger and rage awaited spewing.  All had been suppressed for far too long.

Only in more recent months she'd realized what a fraudulent life she'd been living and had begun to address it.  It hurt then when someone close to her called her a hypocrite.  Oh she became furious and shunned the whistleblower.

As some time passed she did examine herself some more and realized even though he meant it to hurt and put her down and not really listen to her life, he did have a point.

Then, as Jesus sat beside her, hand on her shoulder, He spoke, "I understand.  I was once accused of being a fraud too.  I was mocked.  I understand your deeply hurt feelings".

So she asked Him, "Do You have any plan to help me heal and to overcome the actress modus operandi?"

He responded, "I am Truth.  Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free."  Then He added, "I'll walk with you" (see John 8:32).

It was all so reassuring and she looked forward to this walk with Truth, in greater truth.  Having a spark of hope, she got up and went home, Jesus joining her.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on I A Session #5.

Sing, Walking With Jesus, along with God Still Loves.