We always want people to be kind to us. It touches our heartstrings when they are.
King David was very kind to Mephibosheth. He was his best friend Jonathan's son. He was also his worst enemy King Saul's grandson. By rights, for those ancient times, all of the previous king's progeny would be extramininated.
However, due to David and Jonathan's promise to each other, David showed kindness upon kindness to Mephibosheth. Not only did he keep Mephibosheth alive, he brought him to Jerusalem, allowed him to sit at his table as if he was one of the king's sons, and he restored his lands among other kindnesses.
Mercy and grace joined hands once again in David's actions of kindness. It often takes that for us to be kind. We are asked to be kind to one another. Humility, love, mercy and forgiveness are often intertwined when it comes to being kind. It's not aways so easy to do.
The apostle Paul, who wrote much of the New Teatament, penned to the Ephesians,
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you" (Ephesians 4:32 ESV).
Ah, that's the key for us followers of Jesus Christ ... "... as God in Christ forgave you ...." Jesus is always our perfect, exemplary example of how to live kindness.
To Titus, Paul wrote,
"But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, He saved us ..." (Titus 3:4 & 5).
In humility, Jesus came from heaven to earth, suffered, bled and died to bear the penalty of our sins. His mercy and grace prepared the way for God to forgive those of us who by faith, repented of our sins and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives. God's goodness and kindness in action. He took my (and your) place on the cross. Jesus is our hiding place, made so by His kindness towards us.
Praise and thank our Lord and Savior for His extreme kindness this Lord's Day as you partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine in rememberance of Jesus' death and resurrection on our behalf. Then go out to show our gartitude by being kind (and including all that entails), to another borther or sister-in-Christ, and to all you meet in the run of a day until He comes. Perhaps, today.
Thank You, Jesus. Your loving kindness is better than any human life and love that could ever be bestowed upon me.
~ ERC January 2025 ~
Based on 2 Samuel 2 and 9; Ephesians 4:32 and Titus 3:4-5 ESV.
Sing, Thy Loving Kindness is Better Than Life, along with Maranatha Singers and Hiding Place, along with Desparation Band.