Thursday, October 10, 2024

Book Review - Abuela's Letter - By Debbie Zapata - Publication Date: 15 October 2024

With a book title having a word such as 'Abuela' included, a reader can well expect Spanish cultural elements.  This is the case in this children's story.  Of course, it is still very readable for others of a more English-speaking and cultural background - very much so.  I believe that these inferences do NOT distract from the main serious focus of helping and supporting a child through the journey of grief of the loss of  a loved one.  There are great and colorful accompanying illustrations which further enhance the storyline in meaningful depiction.

Alma's wise parents and extended family helped her through the loss of her Abuela even as they too, grieved.  She even had a wonderful surprise on her birthday from the one who really cared.

I believe this would be an excellent choice and help to any child going through such grief.  Indeed the endearing story brought tears to my eyes.

At story's end there is, in my opinion, a very helpful Reader's Note in both Spanish and English regarding supporting a child going through the trauma of the grief of the loss of a loved one.  This offering from the American Psychological Association in partnership with author Debbie Zapata would be well worthwhile looking into.  At least I think so.

A 5-Star rating from me.

                                             ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                             March 2024

Disclaimer:  I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book provided by the publisher, American Psychological Association, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Offering Offerings (Numbers 28 & 29)


If an offerer could offer offerings, how often would an offerer offer offerings?  The Israelites were commanded to offer offerings to the LORD on a daily, weekly (on the Sabbath day), monthly, and special festival days' basis.

Different animals, grains, bread and drink offerings were to be offered to the LORD; animals without blemish, grains of certain amounts, and so on - you can read it.  To the LORD, these offerings became ...

"... a pleasing aroma" (see Numbers 28:27 ESV).

These offerings were commanded but the LORD appreaciated what the offerer offered up to Him.  As believers in Jesus Christ, we can make offerings too.  The New Testament doesn't specify animals or grains and so forth but whatever you have in hand, from a cheerful, willing heart will give the Lord honor.

This past Lord's day, there were the tithes, of course, but then there was also an opportunity for an offering of money for a certain group of refugees the church was helping.  That did not have to stop there.  A person could use their time, talents, skills, and effort to meet the needs of others.

Portions of what the Israelites offered to the LORD eventually supplied the needs of the priests and Levites who served and ministered in the Tent of Meeting.  We too can care for the pastors and teachers of the Word, and mission workers doing full time work for the Lord.  Don't forget them and their families, that is, those who are truly in need.  

Be partners with them in bringing Christ to the nations (see Matthew 28:19).

Let's continue offering our offerings on a very regular basis.  They will be a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

                                                   ~ ERC  July 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 28 & 29 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-8.

Sing, Give of Your Best to the Master, along with Reflection.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

What Would You Do? (Numbers 27:12-23)

 What would you do if you were told, "You only have one month to live?"  Or, "...if you climb that mountain that's the last anyone will see you.  Once you go up there you're not gettin' down - a heart attack could happen; a wild beast could attack or an avalanche or landslide could whisk you away."  

What would you do?  What would you think about?  Would you crumple up into a dishevelled ball of self-pity and misery?  Or would you have some set bucket list of adventures to explore and tick off?  What would you do?  Would you get your house in order?  What do you think you would do?

Moses, such a phenomenal person, got his house in order.  He prepared.  He had a huge nation of mottley people to prepare.  A nation to settle into a new land but he'd be taking his last steps up that mountain unable to go into the Promised Land!  What a huge disappointment for him!  

He was told he could not go into the Promised Land.  What was he to do then?  Whatever could he do!?  That was the question.

Yeah.  There are many answers to these types of questions.  Of course, to be a follower of Jesus Christ, the most important one we would say to anyone, is to be saved - to have salvation through Jesus Christ, to be prepared to meet ones' Maker.

God's love is reaching out to one and all.  He loved the one and alls of the world so much He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for their sins so those who believe in Him could have atonement and forgiveness for their sins and everlasting life.  He enabled Jesus to give this Gift of God to whoever wants it and then to be with Him at the end of their days on earth, for ever and ever.

Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is the most concerning of needs.  "Where will I spend eternity?" is the most pressing of preporatory exit concerns.  At the end of that month where will you be?

The day before Canada Day I was in church, in Fredricton, New Brunswick.  There was a service in which they had a 'blended' service, meaning the Mandarin-speaking congregation and the English-speaking congregation held a joint-service together.  The Mandarin congregation's choir was leading the songs.  The first song to sing was, "O Canada'.  The second one was, "God Save our Gracious King' (re:  King Charles III of the UK).

It was the first time it came smack dab in my face to have to sing God Save the King instead of the Queen, and this for this king.  My immediate reaction was, "WHAT?!"  "King!"  "King Charles!"  "I don't really like this king!  The Queen - the gracious Queen, yes!  BUT, this King Charles III?!  I do NOT want to sing that!  Besides we're supposed to be singing praise to Jesus!  Singing to God our King of kings!  Singing praises to Him for all HE has done for us!"

But here they were asking us to sing for that king.

Anyway, they all began to sing, "O Canada".  We got through that and then they began with "God Save the King".  I just, na - ah!  I didn't sing and didn't sing until they were almost finished and the words that were repeated "God save the king" penetrated into my mind.  Then the epiphany was, "I can turn this into a prayer!"  This king definitely needs to be saved!  This king, gracious or not, does need to be saved.  He needs to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of his life to prepare for the next life in eternity.  As the line of thought progressed I said to myself, I said, "I guess I can sing this song afterall.  So I did join in with the last strains of lyrics  and tune.  

We all need salvation through Jesus Christ the one and only way to God, King Charles III included.

In Numbers 27 when Moses' last hours came to be, and before he'd climb that Mount Piscah, seen his glimpse of the Promised Land from that vantage point and then be gathered to his fathers and God would bury him, he didn't crumple up.

He still had duty to perform.  What would happen to the multitudes of Israelites?  They would be like a flock of sheep without their shepherd if Moses left the scene unprepared.

So before his last climb at the tender age of 120 years, Moses appealed to God, "These people need a leader."  God told him, "Joshua, son of Nun is to be the leader to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land and guide them into claiming the land.

Faithful Moses, despite setback after setback along the wilderness way, commissioned the installment of Joshua son of Nun as God's chosen next leader, just as God had commanded him.

So people, if you're given one month to live, how would you conduct yourself, going all haywire or calm, steady preparing of those people around you in your care, for the inevitable.  I wonder what I'd do?  

May you all be blessed in preparing for what lies ahead should you no longer be on this earth.  Only God truly knows the number of our days.  

Be ready.

                                                        ~ ERC  July 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 27:12-23.

Sing, Will You Be There, and I?, along with

Book Review - A Family Shattered - Book 2 of the Michal's Destiny Series - By Roberta Kagan - Publiccation Date: 10 October 2024

 It is certainly appalling what human beings can do to other human beings.  Roberta Kagan has graphically described it as such in this second book of the Michal's Destiny Series and it makes my heart cry.  The nightmare that happened to the Jewish people in Hitler's Germany certainly shook families to their roots.  Taavi, Michal, Alina and Gilde bore the brunt  of it all.  The title is so very appropo - A Family Shattered!  Indeed.

I feel this work of historical fiction is not for the weak at heart.  I cannot say I actually enjoyed this book due to the nature of the narrative but it is necessary for the story to be told.  To know and realize all that happened to the various 'outcasts' of society and the impact on their 'innocent' Aryan citizens ... the horrors of reality.

                                                   ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                                October 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Book Review - The Rise and Fall of Magic Wolf - By: Timothy Taylor - Publication Date: 8 October 2024

I'm afraid I found this a rather slow read that couldn't hold my attention well. Those who are chefs or work otherwise in kitchens in more upscale restaurants may find they have some interest in this story of Magic Wolf.

Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger
July 2024

Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Something They Valued (Numbers 27:1-11 ESV)


Zelophehad's daughters have been in my mind for many days.  I really like how they approached Moses about something they valued.  What's more, they courageously asked for something that hadn't ever been done before, and that likely appeared to be very bold for women to do, especially in that day and age.

The five daughters had no brothers but they valued their inheritance so much, that they wanted a part that otherwise would have gone to a brother, which was the usual line down.  Their appeal mentioned that their father had been honorable and hadn't taken part in the Korah rebellian.  He had died only because of his own sins.

Moses graciously inquired of the Lord and the Lord gave the answer that these noble women could have their share of their father's inheritance when certain stipulations were adhered to.

Fair enough.

This teaches me not to under-estimate myself as a woman nor as a person in general.  I can inquire of the Lord and perhaps seek a trusted person's advice.  Reading other portions of Scripture to balance and keep living according to God's will and way is also a noble direction and practice for a follower of Jesus Christ.

It feels good that God cares about the women every bit as much as He does men.  He created us and we are His children.  Let's all look to Him everyday of our lives.  Getting His input and learning His ways are our inheritance from Him.  It is also something to value.

                                                         ~ ERC  July 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 27:1-11 ESV.

Sing, Inheritance, along with Matt Mayer and  Mia Fieldes.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Book Review - A World Full of Christmas Crafts - By Helen Mortimer - Publication Date: 1 October 2024

What a good collection of Christmas crafts from around the world!  I found the instructions for craft-making short, sweet and simple, therefore easy for children to create, albeit depending on the child's age and ability; some supervision from an adult could be needed.  In my opinion, besides the crafts, curious children will find the traditions of cultures other than their own, of interest.  

Illustrations and pages are colorful and eyecatching, lending even greater interest to the whole.  I feel many hours of fun and creativity await ...

                                           ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                          September 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.