Acts of kindness given quietly and meaningfully to a grieving heart will be remembered even years and decades later. They help heal the heart.
To know someone had cared in that moment and showed empathy despite not necessarily understanding the full depth and impact of the recipient's heartache, trauma or difficulty, touches the heartstrings in significant ways. Grief often blinds and blurs a person's mind and usual details can be left out.
There was a couple who lost their baby girl to leukemia. She had been their firstborn child. She was not quite sixteen months old when she was carried to the arms of Jesus.
At the funeral, baby girl lay in her coffin dressed in her best. It was a bright red one which had been given to her for Chinese New Year finery just months prior. As the mother sat gazing at her little one, she suddenly realized, "Oh, I forgot flowers!" Mother found out that her friend had gotten a bouquest of flowers and arranged a handful in her wee one's hands. Like I said, small acts of kindness go a long way to aid a wounded heart to heal and find comfort.
The mother had also been going through a litany in her mind. "Baby Girl will never reach sweet sixteen. She will never get married."
As soon as that last thought crossed her mind, the Lord spoke to her. "This is her wedding day." The mother was stunned. True, her baby had a festive dress on and flowers in her hands. She had gone to be with Jesus. Despite the grief, the Lord's words of kindness and hope, comforted the mother's hurting heart.
In the book of Ruth, Boaz showed kindness to Naomi and Ruth. These two ladies had grieving hearts but Ruth showed kindness to her mother-in-law. Boaz "never stopped" showing his kindness to both the women.
There is a line written by Alyson Kieda in Our Daily Bread 2023. She remarked about such acts of kindness. She wrote,
"As God used ... Boaz to help transform the grief of another, He can work through us to show kindness and empathy to others in pain."
When you yourself have gone through grief and pain, and have been comforted in various ways by others, you will be able to understand some of what another is experiencing. Find ways to bring similar comfort. There will be times when we are the givers and times when we will be the receivers of such acts of kindness.
Empathy in action creates acts of kindness that go a long way. Recall that Boaz's acts of kindness produced Obed, who begat Jesse, who begat David, who centuries later, begat Jesus Christ. That was over a thousand years of after effects!
For that mother who lost her baby daughter its been just over three decades and although there is still some heartache that never quite goes away, the act of kindness shown by her friend lives on in her heart, having nudged the transforming process of her grief into healing and being able to eventually continue living herself.
Let's each be reminded to be on the alert for when and how and what to do in order to bring healing acts of kindness to those working through grief and other forms of trauma. Don't stop.
~ ERC January 2025 ~
Based on Ruth 2:20 (and 5-12). Also, Our Daily Bread Sept/Oct/Nov 2023 - 7 Sept by Alyson Kieda.
Sing, Try a Little Kindness, along with Glen Campbell.