Saturday, December 28, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Satisfied & Filled


Are you hungry for goodness?  Do you long for something that never seems to get satisfied?

We just passed the Christmas season.  Many have had a wish list for certain materialistic longings.  Maybe there was even the longing for certain family members to be present.  Maybe they could not attend the family gatherings so those longings for the goodness of family could not be satisfied.

There is one person who could be present though.  He is the one who can satisfy all longings and fill a hungry soul.  

That is Jesus.  He is present with a believer and gatherings of believers in Him.

The psalmist testifies to this.  He wrote,

"For He satisfies the thirsty (or longing soul) and fills the hungry with good things (or goodness) Psalm 107:19 (NIV/KJV).

In this New Year coming up, let's let Jesus be the one to satisfy our thirst asnd hunger.  Read the Word.  Pray - talk more with Him.  Commune with Him.

Find your comfort and rest in Him.  Let Him soothe your sorrows and calm your troubled hearts.  Be nurtured by His great grace, His love and goodness that will surely follow you from the old to the new year.

Remember His goodness and be thankful.   

This year has had some unsettling occurances for my husband and I, yet the Lord has seen us through.  There will not be a lot of change when the midnight fireworks go off, marking the new year begun.  But we know that the steadying presence of Jesus brings the peace that passes all understanding.

Anyone can have this - in Christ.

This Lord's Day as we partake of the bread and drink from the cup of wine, remember all Jesus has done for us, for you, through His sacrificial giving of Himself.  He brought us life through His death and resurrection.

Won't you  be filled with Him?  Won't you be satisfied with Him?

Give Him your thanks.

Jesus, thank You for satisfying my thirst and filling my hungry soul with You.  May I ever be so grateful.  Amen.

                                                ~ERC  December 2024 ~

Based on Psalm 107:9.

Sing, Fill My Cup, Lord, along with Philip Banchard.

                     HAPPY NEW YEAR, TO ONE AND ALL!  

                                    GOD BLESS YOU!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Mistakes & Flawlessness

 In one breath she was told she was 'flawless'.  The next breath, "Oh, you've accumulated 244 mistakes this year."  Hah!

Wow!  Only 244?  Actually, that tally has grown since then.  It was also the tally of only four months worth of errors on certain lessons to be learned.  Think of all the others!


Mistakes, thankfully, that weren't more serious than saying 2 + 2 = 5.  Just think of the more serious list of sins against God!

Thankfully, again, there is redemption through jesus.  His love gave the gift of salvation which coveres over a multitude of sins by faith and with His blood (see 1 Peter 4:8).

Then God blots out all of our sins (see Isaiah 43:25).  He will no longer keep track of them all.  In fact, He will forget them all!  Isn't that a mercy!  Through Christ, we have been made flawless in the eys of God. 

With gratitude and thanksgiving let us partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine, those symbols of Jesus' broken body and shed blood for us.  Place one to another this Lord's Day, singing Hallelujah!  What a wonderful Savior is Jesus our Lord!

                                                        ~ ERC  December 2024 ~

Based on Isaiah 43:25.

Sing, What a Wonderful Savior is Jesus Our Lord, along with Squirrel24.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Good Book - A Rule Against Murder (a novel) - By Louise Penny


As far as I can recall this is my first ever Louise Penny book I read.  I found it to be a fantastic read for the most part.  I like that the setting is in Quebec, Canada.  

Chief Inspector Gamache and his wife Reine-Marie are a very endearing couple, yet are no-nonsense people.  Other characters stand out for their own respective, ahem, specialness and this book could be read as a stand alone.

However, a friend explained to me that this mystery murder novel follows about a four book series line up, that if read in sequence, would help give greater background of its characters and incidents.  I'll take her word for it.

Mr. Finny and his sums counting was a good surprize for me and in the end I really liked him because of it.  Yet even though A Rule Against Murder is such a great and clean story overall, I was disappointed with the bad language that marred some of its pages and I wished that the author didn't feel it necessary to include such words.  Therefore, I choose to only give a 4-Star rating.

                                                        ~ ERC  August 2024 ~

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

HAIKU - Refreshing Rain

 Rain.  Refreshing drops

cascading, reviving plants.

Giving life to them.

It's okay.  Flood my

soul, with restoring Word of

God; give spirit life.

Growth in Christ, walking

in the fear of God, healthy

living.  Refreshing.

~ERC  November 2024~

Sing, There Shall Be Showers of Blessing, along with She Who Prays.

See Jesus Only


When you lift up your eyes who or what do you see?  I like what the inner circle disciples, Peter, James and John, finally saw ...

"And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only"                                  (Matthew 17:8 ESV)

After such an astounding mountain high experience the three disciples finally saw "Jesus only".

May we see 'Jesus only' too.  No matter who the hero or heroine may be otherwise, even if we ourselves have had a mountain high experience or accomplishment, remember who has given us the creativity, skills, talents, and abilities to achieve great things.  Let us see Jeus only and give Him our praise and thanksgiving.

Jesus, I pray I will see You only and that there be no hero worship of man or woman over and above You.  You are the one and only Son of God to whom I want to give praise, glory and honor with my life.  In Your name I make this desire known to You, no matter how many human beings may make me amazed.  You are the best and have done the most - Jesus Immanuel.

                                                     ~ ERC  August 2024 ~

Based on matthew 17:1-8 ESV.

Sing, Jesus, Only Jesus, along with Passion Music.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Good Book - the MAN in White - By Dr. Ernest F. Crocker - Reviewed by ERC


What a pleasant, satisfying read this book has been for me!  Reading of God's wonders that He performs for and through His sons and daughters-in-Christ are marvelous!  It is a testimony of His sometimes reluctant children who eventually do listen to and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, and His audible voice, directing them in ways they sometimes did not want to go but then the amazing results, when they submitted to Him and His way for them.

I especially liked the accounts of the brother who developed/invented the bionic ear; of the sister who, out of the blue was directed to visit a prisoner and the amazing results of that; and of the brother who prayed away a cyclone.  I particularly liked how they listened to the Lord's voice bearing testimony to a close relationship with their Heavenly Father, God.  It has been a great encouragement to me and I hope that any other readers would find comfort, courage and enlightenment towards greater trust and obedience to ones Heavenly Father and have victory in Christ.

The explanation at books' end regarding the book's title was very much of interest too.  If you'd ask me, I'd give this booka 5-Star rating.

                                                    ~ERC  November 2024 ~

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Book Review - The Devil's Ransom - By Antony Barone Kolenc - Publication Date: 3 December 2024

 Teens, especially mid-teens' readers will no doubt love this exciting adventure, I believe.  Lots of action to whet the curious' appetite for more.  I liked that the teenaged characters relied on God and spoke the name of Jesus.  However, Protestants will want to take note of references to praying to Mary.  Other than these few Catholic leanings, the storyline is excellent, filled with dangers, yet educational in the sense of teaching about spiritual warfare, which is very real and that a Christian will indeed engage in through their life as did Xan, Christina, Lucy and Aubrey.

I like that this is historical fiction set during Medival times in 1188.  It was a time of Knights Templar, Knights Hospitallers, Crusades, Moors and more.  The author of this sixth and last book in the Harwood Mysteries series has dramatically brought these times to life.  Despite it being a stand alone book I feel an interested reader would really wish to read those that came before.

At this book's end, the author has penned further notes about the history of those times and added a glossary of terms that have been used within the narrative.

                                              ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                         September 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.