Thursday, July 18, 2024

FATHER'S DAY 2024 - Honoring Father

 FATHER’S DAY seems to not get as big a ‘hoo-ha’ as Mother’s Day.  Do you find that to be true?  I do and it is rather sad, I feel.  There are many good fathers out there that need appreciating.

 This is exactly what Sonora, the daughter of an American Civil War veteran thought.  Her father had had five children with his wife but the wife passed away early and he was left to raise five offspring single-handedly.  Sonora grew up and wanted to honor her dad for all his efforts and pushed to have Father’s Day inaugurated.

That eventually worked.

 Being a father is a very important responsibility.  Sonora’s Dad must have felt this and that he'd done a good job of it.  

Alas!  There is no manual of instructions that are delivered with a new baby but we Christians do have the Bible, God’s Word.  We can read and come to some understanding of fatherhood through seeing how God our Heavenly Father operates.  Fathers can follow His style and be the best they can be.  After all, God is the best father of all and therefore the best ever example to emulate.

 No doubt some earthly fathers are not very good and give fathers in general, a bad rap.  By contrast, God, our Heavenly Father, is so, so good.  When we belong to God’s family and in His house, He protects us and teaches us how to live.  In return, we honor Him by obeying Him and walking with Him.  This walking with God can be unshakeable because He is unshakeable.

 May I encourage all fathers to walk with their Heavenly Father from whom all wisdom flows.  He will give you the best advice and guidance for guiding your families.

 Walk with God … Did you know that Enoch walked with God so well he didn’t die?  God just took him up to be with Him (see Hebrews 11:5).  Enoch's great-grandson Noah also walked with God.  

 At that time Noah was then the only righteous man on earth God could count on.  He was the only one God found to do the job of building the ark.  This ark saved eight people and hundreds, if not thousands, of animals from drowning in The Flood (see Genesis 5:29 and 6:11-9:19).

 Another man named Levi also walked with God.  His lips were anointed with truth and he lived a righteous life and taught truth.  As a result he walked in peace and righteousness.  What a walk with an unshakeable God!  Such a walk has potential to steady any man and father (see Malachi 2:4-6).

 When we walk with God we must do what is right and good so we honor Him.  Like Levi we can speak truth to our children (and everyone else) and only what is clean.  That is, no foul language or verbal abuse or dirty stories.  No talk of revenge or road rage and the like but an exhibition of the fruit of the Holy Spirit instead.

 Then we will honor God our good Father and emulate Him.  We will know God’s presence with us and His power to strengthen us and His wisdom and discernment to guide.

 May all you good fathers out there be blessed as you walk with God and get to know Him in ever increasing manner.  May he bless all your fatherhood efforts as you strive to do your best for your families.  May your children honor you for it and call you blessed.

 God bless you and keep you.

 Heavenly Father, You are a good, good father.  Help all the good fathers out there to be even better as they walk with You after the pattern of Enoch, Noah and Levi.  Enoch walked with You for 365 years.  Help fathers to walk with You 365 days (and 366 on leap years) each year, year after year, for all the number of their days You have allotted them.

 In Jesus’ name I ask.  Amen.

                               ~ERC  March 2024 ~

            HAPPY FATHER’S DAY 2024

                          TO ALL FATHER’S OUT THERE!


Based on Hebrews 5:5; Genesis 5:22; Genesis 6:9 and Malachi 2:2.

Sing, My Good, Good Father , along with Chris Tomlin.